What was the green and white toilet cleaner from Dollar Tree?

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  • #127214 Reply

      Dollar tree used to sell this toilet bowl cleaner that I can’t seem to find anywhere. I don’t remember what it was called. It was a green and white bottle.

      Any ideas or other inexpensive but affective toilet bowl cleaners?

      #127215 Reply

        Well…. I have tried everything and can’t remove a little brown ring at water height!!

        About to buy whole new toilet!!

        #127216 Reply

          lime-away! I was so sad when it stopped selling it but I saw it coming and bought bunch.

          Best stuff ever only thing that works on my toilet.

          #127217 Reply

            Use baking soda & vinegar,,, not harsh for breathing and lungs when using.. then use organic essential oils of your choice in a glass dish to add a homemade air freshener to your bathroom…

            #127218 Reply

              Speaking of the Dollar Tree. The other day we bought this cleaner, it was from the “Awesome” line but it is purple and in a spray bottle. ” Awesome All purpose cleaner and degreaser.”

              It works great!

              I’ve not tried it in the toilet bowl. I still use the Walmart brand of cleaner + bleach for that.

              #127219 Reply

                They sell a cleaner named Awesome. It does a pretty good job

                #127220 Reply

                  Yes, The Works, I use it, and it actually does work. Also, they carry a cleaner called Awesome and it works good too.

                  #127221 Reply

                    Check other dollar tree stores
                    They change items frequently

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