Should I keep both cars, sell them, or buy a newer AWD CRV?

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  • #114849 Reply

      Car Question
      I currently own two cars. They’re both old…paid off. 2010 Ford Escape AWD and a 2011 Honda CRV two wheel drive.

      The Ford is in California where my primary residence is. The Honda is in Texas where I work.

      I’m estimating in the next 12-24 months I’ll be done with Texas (sorry Texans)… and living in CA full time again. The job will be a 2:30 hour ish commute by car one way…probably 4 times a month.

      I’m debating if I should only own one car OR keep them both OR sell both and get a newer AWD Honda CRV.

      What would you all do? I do need to commute.

      I do need a vehicle capable of carrying a 250 pound dirt bike on a rack. I’m only one person and hate the idea of car insurance times two…and maintenance times two.


      #114850 Reply

        Consider keeping both! Here’s why:
        1. You can’t drive both at once so the marginal insurance cost of having two should be fairly low.

        2. Since they are both older, reduce coverage to the bare minimums, with very high deductibles.

        This will also reduce insurance cost.
        3. Registration on older cars is MUCH lower than new cars so selling the two and buying one new will cost more.

        4. If one has mechanical problems, just drive the other for a bit while you find the lowest cost repair option…instead of the fastest (needed if only one car).

        …I could go on but you get the idea.

        #114851 Reply

          The newer crv sounds like a good idea, I’d say keep the current crv but since you mentioned the dirt bike I know you’re not keeping to paved roads or well maintained always and the AWD is likely to be used.

          #114852 Reply

            I’d keep the Honda CRV, they’re great reliable cars and if for some reason you find you need 4 wheel drive you can always trade it in for an AWD version.

            However if you’re just driving gravel roads with the CRV you’ll be fine with 2WD

            #114853 Reply

              As far as total-cost-of-ownership goes, including repairs+maintenance, the CRV is likely to last longer, and require fewer significant repairs.

              So, it’ll be cheaper over the long run.

              The question is…is that sufficient for you?

              #114854 Reply

                How many years until you FIRE? Miles on the current Honda? Expected annual mileage?

                I would either keep the CRV or get new CRV depending on usage expectations.

                We’re planning on retiring in 2033 & ate trying to plan our vehicle to ‘time out’ in 2033 because we plan on slow traveling for a while.

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