Should I max my 401k or invest more in my ETF for better returns?

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  • #120520 Reply

      I almost hate to ask because I know what im sharing is vague but if anyone has an opinion, I would appreciate hearing it.

      I’m 41 and these are my 401k options.

      My company matches 4% and I do max it out at $22k, but with the return I’ve been getting I think I may switch to only contribute the 4% and put the rest in my ETF account.

      Could anyone offer a suggestion on getting the max return?

      #120521 Reply

        Traditionally all those TDF underperform. Ud be better off mostly fidelity 500 fund.

        Then a bit of small cap.

        #120522 Reply

          100% fxaix until you get more educated
          Which is s&p 500

          #120523 Reply

            FXAIX corresponds to S&P 500, so that is what I select. Also, just as an FYI, the max 401k contribution this year is $23,500.

            #120524 Reply

              100% FXAIX. You can verify this is the best by comparing the 10 year return against all the other options.

              #120525 Reply

                70% FXAIX / 20% FSMDX / 10% SWSSX. That should mimic a total market index fund pretty well.

                Also, be sure to turn on your rebalance feature for either semiannually or annually.

                #120526 Reply

                  You’re just choosing from the bottom from Fidelity, so you want a mix of US markets (large & mid caps), Europe developed, and emerging markets.

                  I actually do the real-estate index because I don’t have physical real-estate exposure other than RIETs.

                  Not financial advise, but would do 40 : 20 : 15 : 10 : 15 for whatever 100% of your portfolio mix.

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