Should I pay 20k for my master’s out of pocket or take a 7% loan?

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  • #121014 Reply

      Hi all, I am currently in a masters program. I have around a year and a half left and 20k left to pay. I’m wondering should I keep paying out of pocket, or take a student loan out and hope to find a job when I graduate that will pay off my loans?

      I believe interest will accrue starting day one at 7%.

      I’m stuck thinking I should just keep paying it because I hate the thought of debt, and I have the 20k set aside for it.

      Also does anyone know of legit websites for scholarships? It seems there are many but not sure how trustworthy they are.

      Thanks in advance.

      #121015 Reply

        I found graduate scholarships are much harder to get/come by than undergrad.

        If you’re doing grad school fulltime, trying to get a TA position grading papers or working in an office for a stipend/tuition reduced might be the most helpful! Good luck.

        #121016 Reply

          Pay as you go. Start your career off with as little or no debt as possible.
          Good luck!!!

          #121017 Reply

            Pay it off as soon as possible, graduate degrees are more for self-satisfaction unless it’s a field that requires it to get licensed to practice.

            What I learned is unless it’s required by the job, getting a job with Masters is challenging, some employers get intimidated by it and thinks you will be asking for top pay and overqualified when you are simply looking for a decent job. So, it does limit your prospects.

            Pay it off now you will be thankful you did after graduating.

            #121018 Reply

              As the wise ones say, “Hope is the best plan.”
              If you are working on “Hope” for your employment prospects, what if you go 6-12 months in the job hunt?

              Burdened with that debt.

              Golden handcuffs. Don’t do it.

              #121019 Reply

                So, you have $20k set aside for your education and wondering if you should take out a 7% loan for the $20k?

                What are you studying? It might help determine the answer.

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