Simple Money-Saving Habits for a More Sustainable Life

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  • #122109 Reply

      Ways I’m helping myself save money:
      1) I was nearly out of handsoap, so instead of buying more, I filled it half way with water and now it’s helping me double my usage so I didn’t need to run to the store immediately to buy handsoap.

      2) I’m meal prepping and I’m marking dates of when I run out of items in advanced so I know an estimate of what I’ll be spending each week.

      3) I’ve cut subscriptions I no longer use.

      4) My hand sanitizer spray bottle was out and I didn’t want to throw it out, so I purchased liquid hand sanitizer in bulk so not only did I save “trash” but I saved in terms of buying in bulk and just refill when I run out.

      5) I am steadily moving from using paper plates and plastic utensils to using my reusable plates and bowls and one silver ware set. Each time I’m done using, I immediately wash them and that way they’re ready to be used again and they’re not piling up in my sink.

      6) I’ve also invested in using hand towels instead of purchasing paper towels and for cleaning, I use water and vinegar.

      These are just some of the things I’m now doing and they won’t work for everyone! I am striving to live as basic of a life as possible so I can do the things I want to do later on without hesitation, such as outings with friends and family!

      #122110 Reply

        You are doing great! I know another way to save on hand soap but it takes an initial investment. Buy foaming hand soap.

        When it’s empty, just squirt some shampoo or dish detergent in there, fill with water and shake.

        You’re good to go for a long time of cheap refills!

        #122111 Reply

          Consider bar soap to reduce both cost and wasted plastic. It’ll be an improvement both for 1 and 4

          #122112 Reply

            Also consider: Cloth napkins, dish cloths instead of sponges, dryer balls instead of dryer sheets.

            #122113 Reply

              Good for you, I do those. It’s a great way to live

              #122114 Reply

                Yes, a buy a huge dish soap on sale at the grocery store and refill kitchen and bathroom containers, dollar store and dollar tree have great pumps.

                Yes, shop thrift for clothes and kitchen items, watch sales and always check clearance

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