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Just wanted to share that the last four weeks, with extreme scrimping and saving, we’ve been $50-$100 under budget in our spending category – which for us is gas, groceries, and household expenses – diapers, toiletries, needed clothes and shoes.
With three small boys it seems we are always buying a box of wipes or shoes or school supplies.
What keeps us on track is weekly budgeting when I sit down and total up our weekly spending to see if we were under/over budget.
Then once a month we do what I call a “financial picture” where we list all our sinking funds, CC payments (which are paid in full every month so we don’t pay interest), how much is in checking and savings and any big expenses or windfalls we expect in the next month.
I feel a lot of peace knowing where we are at financially and if we are meeting our weekly and monthly goals.
MonicaCongratulations! It doesn’t seem like it will get easier, but once you’ve established the precedent… it does.
You’ve done it once… you can do it again! Going thru the same thing since my husband passed last year….
Things are starting to get easier, because the scrimping is the same scrimp I did last month, and the bills are getting (slightly) smaller.
StaceyWeekly budgeting is awesome. I get paid once a month but I keep close track of my balances weekly. I hope to save this year as soon as I have regular paychecks again.
(Back at work so next check is normal!!!!!!)
JackieGreat work. Spending a bit of time frequently to know your spending habits is very useful.
AndreaYou have your priorities straight! Congratulations for being disciplined enough to do it: many people disregard the reality of overspending & can’t see their way out of debt, a very scary place to be.
As you said, there is great peace of mind in knowing where you are at financially.
Budgeting & saving now will pay off big time in the future, plus if you are teaching your children what you know about how to manage money they are learning an invaluable lesson!
StaceyKids add a whole different element to a financial situation don’t they? I am getting better at saying hey we can’t do that right now but next paycheck we can.
(When it can be put off)
AprilI’m so proud of you. With a young family it is so extraordinary hard to be under budget.
There is always something needed. Again. I’m so proud of you!
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