Use It or Lose It: Maximize Your Health Benefits Before Year-End

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  • #115306 Reply

      End of year tip. Use it or lose it…
      Many health insurance plans include “OTC / Food” benefit cards. Most are never used.

      I stock up on items I use.
      I’d forgotten mine, so I had over $600.

      Many health insurance also offer cash just for going for check ups, or other health screenings.

      But you must request the cash before the year’s end.

      #115307 Reply

        My health plan is the same. I end of using it all up before year end.

        #115308 Reply

          Medicare advantage does $90-120 per quarter from CVS. We order from the booklet, usually use it all.

          I have enough bandaids to keep my grandkids covered forever!!

          #115309 Reply

            Absolutely make sure ours is used, but ours is quarterly. And we do make sure to call and get the rewards for being active. And that is monthly.

            #115310 Reply

              My employer gives me a small monthly incentive for doing two or more preventative actions a year. (Annual vaccines and screenings count).

              #115311 Reply

                Mine didn’t roll over but just discovered in November I could go to Walmart and pick out some much needed OTC vitamins, meds, etc.

                And I was able to complete many tasks in just Nov-Dec that had rewards to go to same.

                Over $100 total. Only discovered all this because I was trying to see if I wanted a new policy or not.

                For example $10 for walking 30 minutes a day for 10 days. No telling how much I didn’t use.

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