What’s your frugal win this week?

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  • #128008 Reply

      What is your frugal win for the week? I went through spring/summer clothes and don’t need any clothes.

      realized I don’t need to buy anything new.

      How did you save money or make the most of what you already have?

      #128009 Reply

        I can’t afford a gym membership right now, but recently found out our neighborhood has a bird park with a walking pad.

        4 laps equal one mile so my kids and I have been walking to the bird park and back home every night.

        Fun exercise for everyone.

        My other win is saving myself 800 for a new dishwasher we just fixed the issue one the one we had for 180.

        #128010 Reply

          I’m laughing because my win for
          This week
          Wasn’t my new window treatments in
          The picture window in
          The living room! We replaced

          Our 32+ year old
          Vertical blinds

          With a new smart shade, actually three for
          The big window and two smaller windows beside that open.

          I guess the win
          Was we had the money saved to finally do it. It still made me crazy to spend the money, but the old one was barely hanging on

          And I
          Didn’t just want a curtain. So,
          Just keep

          #128011 Reply

            I have a meniscus tear. I was able to get the correct brace from my Buy Nothing group

            #128012 Reply

              My hubby and I live in an RV full time, and I rarely have the need for dressy clothes.

              Since we were going to attend a funeral today, yesterday I drove into a nearby small city to look for an inexpensive outfit to wear to the funeral.

              I first went to Walmart and found a pair of navy blue leggings in my size that were marked down from $6.98 to $5.98.

              I then went over to a nearby thrift shop and found a lovely Pioneer Women blouse with a navy blue design in my size for $5.00.

              I was quite pleased to be able to find a simple but dressy outfit that cost me around $12 including tax that I will wear over and over again.

              And while I was at the thrift store I donated 2 Walmart bags of clothing that I didn’t need any more. A win-win situation for me.

              #128013 Reply

                I found some white Masonary paint in the garage so that will save me buying any to tidy the garden walls!

                #128014 Reply

                  Frugal in a different way, as we still spent money. But we bought a beautiful entertainment wall that I have had my eye on (Facebook marketplace) for many months.

                  Price dropped significantly, making a high quality (Ethan Allen) piece cost about as much as a particleboard unit.

                  Always check marketplace before buying a “pricey” item because you can save a lot, as people redecorate or get bored of something.

                  #128015 Reply

                    Cleaned my food pantry and to the excess to the Food Bank. Went to Hobby Lobby and got a Spring Mat for outside the door. Was 40% off $7.50.

                    It really cuts down the stones and mud at our front door entrance.

                    Paying down my vet bill on my credit card from last month. It was at $1500, I have it down to $750.

                    I said it once before, if you decide to get a pet, the Pet Insurance is worth it.

                    Vet prices has doubled and even tripled since Covid.

                    So many people adopted a dog or cat during Covid and the receptionist told me the demand is so high for appointments, that they felt the need to raise the rates.

                    #128016 Reply

                      We have a very small kitchen and no oven, this week we were successful at making some delicious granola and even a no-knead yeast bread recipe in our air fryer!!

                      We also discovered we can make our own tahini (blended sesame seeds) for making homemade hummus, and even our own mayonnaise with our 1000w immersion blender, two condiments that can be kinda pricey!

                      #128017 Reply

                        At Winco I bought a 3 lb container of potato salad for $5.95, then went to Kroger’s to use my coupons and saw their price for the same container of salad was $15.99.

                        Crazy how different prices are at different stores.

                        #128018 Reply

                          We had budgeted to get a Costco membership. Went to sign up and the nice lady was making conversation and asked where I worked.

                          I told her and because I work for the local government we were eligible for a $40 discount!

                          We saved on the membership itself so it was a nice surprise!

                          #128019 Reply

                            Did not eat out this week. My son and I typically eat out once a week. Also did not go anywhere but work, so did not buy anything.

                            Looked at some Fenton glassware online, but since I don’t need them I just looked but did not buy.

                            #128020 Reply

                              I sold a stand mixer I haven’t used in years with some accessories for $90. I bought it used for $50 but with the accessories I bought for it, I broke even.

                              Not bad since I’ve had it for 12yrs. I sold some other odds and ends as well.

                              I’ve spent all day decluttering and cleaned out lots of toys and clothes my daughter has outgrown. I will take to once upon a child tomorrow for consignment.

                              I put our 6 foot table up for sale as it keeps getting full of clutter every week and I’m sick of cleaning off all the clutter every week, so enough is enough!

                              It’s been replaced with a foldable compact table I bought on Amazon. It was expensive and took me all day to put together but it can’t and won’t fill up with clutter as it folds down and is so compact!

                              No more dining room clutter for me minimalist is my goal for 2025.

                              As I’m so sick of pickup clutter and organizing. I need less inventory less to manage.

                              #128021 Reply

                                Got a Brand new pair of Franco Sarto shoes for $6.50 from local thrift shop.

                                They valued at $125.!

                                #128022 Reply

                                  I downsized and updated my bedroom for free. I sold 5 pieces of bedroom furniture, bought a smaller vintage bedroom set, plus box spring and a new mattress with less than half my profit.

                                  I up-sized this quilt that my Mom made by adding 7″ of fabric that I had on hand.

                                  Free full size bed cover.

                                  The balance of the furniture sale will cover the cost of repairing a heat duct.

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