Where is the best place to save or transfer money now?

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  • #122684 Reply

      I am not trusting the us market, for stocks or even value of the dollar at the moment. What are other suggestions people have on where to transfer money or save it?

      With the current economic conditions, where is the best place to save or transfer money? Are banks, digital wallets, or other financial platforms the safest and most profitable options?

      I’d love to hear different opinions and experiences on the best ways to manage and secure money right now.

      #122685 Reply

        If you think about it, if the US stock market tanks, so too does the rest of the world.

        There is no haven from the chaos that is better or worse than the S&P.

        #122686 Reply

          All major markets in the world are correlated. If our markets head down most development markets will go down as well.

          Bitcoin is a risk on asset and is highly correlated to the market (the most volatile assets).

          Secondly don’t use your feelings to make investments decisions, they are usually wrong.

          #122687 Reply

            Don’t let fear lead you to make a decision you’ll regret

            #122688 Reply

              Go to Costco, buy gold and bury it in your back yard. If you give me your address I can let you borrow my shovel.

              #122689 Reply

                I mean the US markets success can in no small part be attributed to how effectively capitalists are at extracting money from its populace.

                The new administration seems hellbent on extracting even more into the greedy hands of the 1% I’d say that favors markets personally.

                I’m not a crystal ball reader though and have a set and forget strategy.

                #122690 Reply

                  I put cash into my roth and have it in SPAXX, but I did that a year ago expecting VOO to fall and it keeps going up so who knows anymore, right?

                  #122691 Reply

                    Bitcoin. It’s still volatile tho, so you have to be ok with riding that.

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