Who’s joining me in a 24-day pantry and freezer challenge?

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  • #127222 Reply

      As of today I solemnly swear I’m only shopping from my pantry and freezers until the end of the month. 24 days. (I’m not counting you are)

      I’m going to dig deep until it’s rock bottom, I already cleared out a side for tonights dinner. I’ll use all the odd things I’ve saved just because.

      Random assorted beans, bones, Old Christmas cookies, Pumpkin puree

      Kids going to whine and complain

      Who’s with me!!!!!!! Anyone?

      #127223 Reply

        I get my social security check the second Wednesday of the month. I make a grocery list of all food, cleaning supplies, personal care items, cat needs, OTC, and shop for the month.

        Until the next check day, I do not go shopping. (May get a soda or a paper at 7 eleven).

        This saves me money.

        #127224 Reply

          One of my goals for the year was not to waste food. I’ve been cleaning out and it is going well.

          #127225 Reply

            I like the idea! Unfortunately, my freezer is now empty and we have to start over this month.

            #127226 Reply

              I could prob easily survive for many months…I’m trying to do this but when they only have Corned beef roasts for $2.99-$3.99/lb 1x per year and .99 Boston Butt roasts a few times a year, .99 shank/butt, $8.99 T-bone & Ribeyes and $3.99 80/20 ground chuck, it is hard to resist bc you never know when you may never see that price again.

              #127227 Reply

                I did this several years ago and it permanently changed how I shop and cook.

                Saved 100s of dollars over a couple of months

                #127228 Reply

                  I have been doing something similar since the first of the year. I have had fun, and been creative.

                  #127229 Reply

                    I plan to do the same! Except for milk, I’m shopping from home for a few weeks

                    #127230 Reply

                      I am getting close to completely clearing out my freezer. Paying closer attention to expiration dates on pantry goods too.

                      #127231 Reply

                        I try to only go to the grocery store once a month. I live alone so it’s easier.

                        But I do have toiletries and some pantry items delivered.

                        #127232 Reply

                          Good job!!
                          I like to see my fridge more than half empty, the less in it the better I feel because I know my husband and I can eat what’s in there before spoilage.

                          I also like seeing the bottom and sides of the deep freeze, etc.

                          Stocking up is a great idea when there are sales/clearance but not using food before it spoils or is freezer burned is wasted resources.

                          #127233 Reply

                            I think we should all do this, as much as we can, for as long as we can.

                            #127234 Reply

                              My daughter told me I need to go grocery shopping our cabinets and refrigerator are getting bare.

                              I’ve been eating what we had for about three weeks. And just bought what I absolutely had to have.

                              #127235 Reply

                                I never quite understood how this works. Don’t you spend a lot of money restocking?

                                #127236 Reply

                                  This year I’m focusing on using pantry and freezer items that I don’t want to buy again.

                                  This way everything I buy moving forward will be items I like and use.

                                  Keeping it simple

                                  #127237 Reply

                                    I had to put my foot down about my sons just buying buying buying. I threw one of those “ mom asks nicely 20 times before she flips her lid” fits last night because it’s impeding my ability to cook and rotate foods.

                                    As well as he keeps buying the exact things I bought three days before because he doesn’t listen or look.

                                    We need to eat down the pantry and freezer because they are stuffed.

                                    We can easily eat for a month or two off what we have

                                    #127238 Reply

                                      Now the real challenge is to use the ingredients so that the kids won’t complain (or will complain very little).

                                      And next time to buy ingredients the kids won’t complain about at all.

                                      #127239 Reply

                                        I do that all of the time to stretch grocery store trips. Tomorrow I’m going to purge old things from my freezer, mainly frozen onions, hot dog chili, soup, etc.

                                        a lot of these are too old.

                                        #127240 Reply

                                          Yay, Christmas cookies. Doing this myself. Upstairs freezer is working down and I bring stuff up from the basement freezer.

                                          Eating fish, hot Italian sausage, split chicken breast.

                                          I have to start working on the frozen fruits before the summer starts.

                                          Pantry/freezer eating for the month of March!!!

                                          #127241 Reply

                                            I’m a canner. I have 3 big pantries full and my
                                            Husband is building one more. At our ages, 74 & 76, we will have very little grocery bill for the rest of our lives.

                                            All of this food was on sale or free because I am a frugal canner

                                            #127242 Reply

                                              We are currently working on eating down our freezers too and our pantry.

                                              We already paid for the food; I’m not letting it go to waste

                                              #127243 Reply

                                                I have been doing this since January but once every two or three weeks I buy some fresh meat or fish to eat for two days.

                                                Yesterday I made coconut curried chick peas and served it over rice and had a salad.

                                                Not often I do vegan, I am a meat eater, but it was yummy and filling. And CHEAP!

                                                #127244 Reply

                                                  I just told my hubby to bring in the coolers from the garage. I am taking everything out of both our freezers bright and early in the am.

                                                  Defrosting, organizing and then using everything before anything new is going in.

                                                  Veggie season is coming and I have no room! So, I am definitely with you!

                                                  #127245 Reply

                                                    Yes, you can pay a bill with all the $$$ your going to save. Christmas cookies yum and ham bean soup with toast!

                                                    Pumpkin pie or squares, a loaf or even muffins! Those frozen blue berries in muffins or pancakes or just a great frozen snack.

                                                    It’s go for kids to try things as they grow there taste changes.

                                                    My daughter love asparagus now after years of not even being willing to try it

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