Would you prepay your mortgage at 5.75%?

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  • #114682 Reply

      Is it worth prepaying a mortgage with a 5.75% interest rate? If you were in this situation, would you prioritize paying off the mortgage faster, or would you invest your money elsewhere?

      What factors would influence your decision, such as financial goals, risk tolerance, or market conditions?

      Share your thoughts and reasoning!

      #114683 Reply

        For me it depends if I’m retired or not. As long as I’m working I think it would be too conservative to pay off the mortgage.

        But if I’m retired then I’d pay it off for the peace of mind.

        #114684 Reply

          I’m in a similar boat. I will but only to HELOC for business purposes. If you make less than 200k/yr, I would say no

          #114685 Reply

            Depending on how early you are in the mortgage. I am absolutely paying that down atleast until my principal is higher than my interest.

            #114686 Reply

              Not unless/until all tax-advantaged accounts are being maxed out and contributions are being made to a taxable brokerage account as well.

              #114687 Reply

                No but pay half every 2 weeks instead with 4 extra (same amount as mortgage) every quarter.

                #114688 Reply

                  I’m in a similar situation and decided to pay 50 dollars extra to it every Friday and invest the rest.

                  #114689 Reply

                    Here’s an idea. Find the point on your amortization table where the amount of your payment to principal becomes greater than the amount to interest.

                    Pay the mortgage down to that point as fast as possible.

                    Then continue investing as usual.

                    #114690 Reply

                      Pay the mortgage 100% for me. I’ve been mortgage/debt free for 7+ years and have zero regrets even in the market run we had during that time.

                      Best insurance policy you can buy.

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