Do you agree with selling all stocks now due to fears of a market crash?

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  • #111121 Reply

      I am all cash right now. I sold all my stocks 1 month ago and did not re-invest the money because I fear a major market crash coming up in the next 2 weeks (election, war, etc…). Does anybody agree with me

      Given the current economic climate and concerns about a potential market crash, do you believe it is a good idea to sell all stocks now?

      Some argue that liquidating stocks early can protect against major losses, while others believe that holding onto investments during downturns can lead to better long-term gains.

      We’d love to hear your thoughts!

      Are you in favor of selling off stocks to minimize risk, or do you prefer holding onto them in hopes of market recovery?

      What factors would influence your decision (e.g., market trends, personal risk tolerance, or historical performance)?

      If you’ve faced a similar situation before, how did you approach it?

      Feel free to share your perspective on whether now is the right time to sell, hold, or even invest further in the market!

      #111122 Reply

        Last 25 years the S and P returns were 8.29% per year CAGR which is what matters not average. if you invest in HBND.U for example
        It’s 20-30 year treasury bond with 50% or less covered call ETF and yields 10.31% right now…

        I’m with you why invest in the market when you can get over 10% in fixed income.

        #111123 Reply

          No. I’m still waiting on the recession predicted 3 years ago… it’ll happen any day now… I’m sure…

          #111124 Reply

            I hope the market crashes. volatility is what makes money.

            #111125 Reply

              Why didn’t you just put in stop orders? No the market is not crashing in two weeks.

              Fear based decisions never mix well with investing.

              #111127 Reply

                How much were you at with stock? Just curious. A very small portfolio amount may not make much of a difference.

                #111128 Reply

                  I was raised poor and on food stamps. So, I understand the fear of being reliant on the government and how powerless that feels.

                  Stay the course and diversify.

                  #111129 Reply

                    No. It is best to have a diversified portfolio to protect against market risk. Also, consider the tax bill if you have any capital gains on such a drastic sell.

                    #111130 Reply

                      The Stacking Benjamin’s Podcast researched how people would have done with 10K if they had their money in only with a democrat vs republican president or kept it in and let it ride for 50 years.

                      I don’t remember exact numbers but it was about 100K for Republicans, 500K for democrats and 1.5M if you just let it ride.

                      You’re committing the number one cardinal sin of investing, timing the market.

                      #111131 Reply

                        No because a lot of my positions have dividends that reinvest.
                        Also depending on your account, you just triggered taxable events.

                        This is just bad thinking all around.

                        #111132 Reply

                          I sold all my stocks and bought alpacas. its been years and they are due!

                          #111133 Reply

                            Believe it or not it is already priced in. Regardless who will win. Election happens every 4 years, it’s not like it is random.

                            #111134 Reply

                              No, this exactly why the average investor underperforms the benchmarks. They make mistakes like this.

                              Even if you’re “right” and the market drops, when will you know to get back in?

                              You can’t win at this game long term.

                              #111135 Reply

                                Depends on where you are at retirement wise, and the rest of your asset mix – and what you mean by “cash”.
                                I Most of my net worth is in RE.

                                I don’t like equity valuations and almost all of my non-RE is in TBills.

                                I’ve missed out on the big run up but my RE has beaten equities.

                                I consider this to be a prudent asset allocation between risk/no risk for my position as semi-retired.

                                #111136 Reply

                                  It’s possible. What is your “cash”? During the financial crisis of 2008/09 there were investors lost money in what they thought were “cash” equivalents.

                                  #111137 Reply

                                    The Market have survive, Wolrd Wars, pademics, natural disasters and the only thing have done is continue breaking records and creating more millioners, have been like that for more than 100 years.

                                    Companies are not build to lose.

                                    #111138 Reply

                                      I went all cash this past summer when I realized my diversified portfolio was about half the gains of the S&P500 for the year.

                                      I started a wheel strategy and have been catching up! If I crashes I will catch up really fast.

                                      If not, I’ll keep selling puts and calls to close the gap.

                                      This takes a lot more effort, but it’s worth it.

                                      #111139 Reply

                                        No, we are buy and hold investors. Up 20.4k in the last month. Is it possible there might be a correction?

                                        Sure, but that would allow me to do a larger Roth conversion.

                                        #111140 Reply

                                          It appears that you haven’t considered the possibility that the market is ok with either candidate winning, in which case the ‘uncertainty’ portion wouldn’t matter.

                                          #111141 Reply

                                            Was at 20% cash, now a bit over 30% Wanting to be at least 50% by election time Will use stop loss on the others

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