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After my last post on 8/14, I followed up with the recruiter, and he told me that they would like to proceed, and has an interview with the hiring manager 2 days later, which was last week.I thought it went well.
I asked what their ideal candidate is like, and he said that they are looking more for someone who can fit into the group and that he’s sure that I will fit in well.
He also told me that the next step will be panel interview with other team members (he listed who) but it’ll take time.
My friend who works there told me that they started having a panel interview this week with other candidates.
The other candidates seem to be well qualified, but no connection into the company.
I also just found out that I have another old coworker who just got hired there and said he’ll put in a recommendation for me, so that gives me three connections to the company.
But the fact that I still haven’t gotten a call back
makes me wonder if I am still in the running.Am I the backup, that if other more qualified candidates, don’t accept the position, they will call me?
I was going to follow up with the hiring manager, maybe tomorrow.
But since he said that the process takes time, I don’t want to be a pest.
Ugh the wait is killing me!
I just had a screening interview last Tuesday.The recruiter told me that the process may take around two weeks, and he’ll contact me if I’m chosen to take the next step.
1. My friend at the company referred me this job – she personally handed my resume to the hiring manager.
2. Another friend (Director) was a really good friend of another director at that company who works closely with the hiring manager.
The director recommended me, and hiring manager started the interview process with me.
1. I scheduled the screening interview, and 5 min before the interview, I got an email from the company saying they decided to go with another candidate.
I was puzzled, but still called into the interview, and asked if we are still proceeding.
The recruiter said email was sent by error and we can continue.
Anyone have an idea what the email was about?? Was it really just an error?
2. I checked LinkedIn, and by LinkedIn alone already has 30 other applicants.
3. The recruiter was a little unorganized… he didn’t know who I was, and was looking at someone else’s resume.
The interview went ok…although it was friendly, he just didn’t seem to care what I was saying. (Like he just wanted a yes/no answer)
Two weeks seem like a long time…
I know I’m overanalyzing but just wondering what are your thoughts on my situation. Do I have a chance?
Some updates:
I just talked to my friend, and she said the process takes a long time at that company so I’ll patiently wait.
I’m actually still employed but getting laid off – which is not until the end of the year, so the longer the process takes, it may work better for me.
(I might be able to negotiate a severance if I leave closer to the lay off date)
Recruiter is from a contract recruiting company, so hopefully it doesn’t represent how the actual company is.
KaiAgreeing on overanalyzing. A person once told, interview is like slut-dating, you move on often and quick if they don’t workout.
RunnuWas the opening just posted? If yes then the rejection is probably by mistake.
2 weeks isn’t unheard of esp during this time when there may be vacations and such and there’s a lot of bureaucratic hoops.
BrettYou are over analyzing super hard, would recommend trying some deep breathing exercises.
I get it though! Job search is always tough and the market is not great right now.
It seems odd to me that you even needed a screening interview with the recruiter considering you had direct connections with the HM, but could just be a rigid process.
Definitely some red flags in terms of whether I would want to work for the organization: they seem overly rigid and do not appear organized at all.
However, I don’t think there are any bad indications for your candidacy.
While two weeks is on the longer side, it is not unheard of and tracks with the red flags I mentioned above.
It is highly possible they sent that out on accident, don’t know why the recruiter would waste time talking to you if the position was filled.
Also, your experience doesnt speak very highly of the recruiter but the screening call is just to make sure you check the right boxes and are worth holding an actual interview with so could be fine.
Tl;dr…Could go either way. You will probably just need to follow up in about a week and a half with the recruiter to see about next steps.
I would not put all your eggs in one basket though, certainly do not put your search on pause. Good luck!
LindaSend a thank you… anything to make you stand out from the crowd.
TaraI would worry about such a disorganized company but I’ve also had some ridiculously bad interviews in the last year.
Can your friend check with the hiring manager at some point to get feedback?
My gut would say it’s not likely you will get the job so keep applying other places but definitely have my fingers crossed for you
ChristinaI wouldn’t expect special treatment just because you know someone. You still need to be a fit for the job and be the best out of the applicant pool. Good luck
TomI looked at my crystal ball. Everyone else was supposed to get that email.
You receiving it was a mistake because you already have the job.
Sleep well…TzeI agreed, two weeks it’s a little long. Some bigger organisation hiring process, they probably hiring 10 staffs and screening 100! So, the process is taking this long.
I’d keep looking, you might get something better within that 2 weeks! You never know All the best
AukaI’ve never had a job that took less than 2 weeks min to hire, unless it was something like a cashier or receptionist
VidurDid the rejection email say the position they are rejecting you for? If it does then might not be a mistake.
If it doesnt, well your anxiety will continue until you get an answer.
While you have have recommendations you may move higher in the pile of initial interviewees, however remember they have internal candidates that work their too who have day to day dealings with the manager and team and may also be getting recommendations.
You have a leg up which is great but you still have to interview and somehow showcase yourself in 15 minute conversations.
Of course put your best foot forward, but dont get pot committed.
Your mental health and self worth is worth way more than a so called dream job.
ChristineI know nothing about these things but an rooting for you!
MarkIf you don’t have a job then don’t put all your eggs in one basket keep looking
BryanSome companies move like molasses. Even so, two weeks to the day, I’d be calling the recruiter.
If they are unorganized, are you sure you want them?
BrianYea two weeks is too long it should take 3 days max unless another candidate was coming from out of state.
DebbiMany recruiters give you feedback immediately after the interview. I would follow up.
If you weren’t selected for that position, maybe they have another one they would consider you for.
SteveIt would help to know what the (general) position/industry is.
Having people recommend you and place your resume at the top of the pile is great.Not having an offer before you unlock your car in the parking lot on the way home from the interview, not so good.
But it depends on the position and industry…
Daisy2 weeks is average for small companies.
I’ve worked at large companies and it’s more like 1-4 months.I actually accepted the one that took 4 months.
It was a mess of a place just like the hiring process so I have since moved on.
Good luck, hope you get the job!
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