Anyone tried using a HELOC loan to invest in index funds?

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  • #127827 Reply

      Has anyone tried taking out a heloc loan (or any loan) and investing in an index fund during a downtown?

      Any comments on this from people who have looked into it or done it, because the math seems to work out so long as market goes up long run

      #127828 Reply

        When HELOC was at 2.5 I did that. But at 6.75-7 I’m not even thinking about it.

        #127829 Reply

          Isn’t that one of the things that contributed to the mess that was the 1929 stock market crash?

          #127830 Reply

            no. FIRE people avoid debt like the plague as a rule. We buy assets (emphasis buy) and avoid liabilities until we can afford them.

            #127831 Reply

              Only if the index goes off 1/3 or more. I applied for HELOC and was close to taking money out during the Covid crash.

              #127832 Reply

                Needs to go down further with the higher interest rates today.

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