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What’s your best investment one-liner for times like these?
mine:“Only buy something that you’d be perfectly happy to hold if the market shut down for 10 years.”
– Warren BuffettScott“Don’t do something, just stand there” – Jack Bogle.
Cody“Don’t make long-term investment decisions based on short-term outcomes, and vice-versa.”
“The more often you look at the market, the more volatile it seems.”
“Give every dollar a job and a use-by date before determining which investments to buy and sell.”
RickThe market’s job is to scare you out. Your job is to outlast it.
Bull markets make you rich. Bear markets make you wealthy.When you think it is unprecedented, you are wrong.
A rising tide floats all boats, but only when the tide goes out do you see who is swimming naked.
This too shall pass.
ShelinaI don’t have a one liner for unprecedented concurrent sources of volatility.
Maybe ‘this to shall pass’ – we just don’t know on what timeline, in what severity and with what impacts.
MattWhen in the accumulation phase, always be buying, always!
BryanThe only people who get hurt on a roller coaster are the ones who jump off. – Dave Ramsey
MariIt’s hard to make predictions, especially about the future- Yogi Berra
Patrick“Far more money has been lost by investors preparing for corrections, or trying to anticipate corrections, than has been lost in corrections themselves.” – Peter Lynch
MarkSame as always. Dca 80%.C Fund / 20% s fund to my TSP
BillTimes like these? Minor decline ytd? Still up from 1 year ago.
VincentSounds like that apocryphal story where someone at Fidelity noticed that the best-performing portfolios belonged to people who either forgot about their portfolios . . . or were even dead.
Either way, they weren’t making unnecessary and unproductive changes to their holdings based on current events.
LukeMore than 1 line (sorry), but:
“When I want to judge the quality of an investment decision I’ve made, I don’t pay much attention to the outcome.I pay attention to, did I make a good decision based on the information I had at the time? The outcome [will be] dominated by things I can’t forecast.”
-Ken French (Rational Reminder Episode 100)
Brittney“Set it and forget it” (actually from an old rotisserie chicken cooker commercial
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