Best single stocks for good dividend returns?

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  • #126636 Reply

      What are some single stocks you guys invest in with good dividend returns?

      I’m looking for recommendations on the best single stocks that offer strong and reliable dividend returns.

      Which stocks do you think provide the best balance between yield, consistency, and growth potential?

      #126637 Reply

        Without more information it’s hard to know your motives, but I wouldn’t consider this part of the typical chooseFi philosophy and I think it’s flawed in a couple ways.

        What gives you hope that you (or anyone else) can pick individual stocks with any level of success when well over 80%+ active money managers can’t even do it with any consistent success compared to matching or beating the index they are benchmarking against?

        Also, what is making you gravitate toward dividend returns instead of total return? Dividends are no better than selling some of your shares (in many cases it’s worse actually).

        If you own 100 shares of stock worth $10 each ($1,000 total) and it has a dividend of $2 per share, then as soon as that dividend is paid out, you now own 100 shares of stock for $8 each ($800 total) and you now have this taxable $200 dividend.

        That’s no different from selling 20 shares of a different stock that is worth the same $10 per share that didn’t pay a dividend and thus stayed at the $10 per share.

        Do you think the company that isn’t reinvesting their profits back into the company has a better or worse chance of growing in the future versus one that is reinvesting it into their own company to expand and grow?

        #126638 Reply

          I personally like etf SCHD for my bond portion of my portfolio to be a ballast for my aggressive growth etfs.

          But as the above poster stated if we don’t know your goals it’s hard to recommend something for you.

          #126639 Reply

            I have some SCHD right now. But not because of dividends – because it’s a “value” play. I don’t buy stocks/ETFs for the dividends – I use the “total returns” strategy.

            #126640 Reply

              None. Why would you want that? Enjoy paying taxes maybe?

              #126641 Reply

                I did this with one stock several years ago, I took $2,000 and invested in Palantir, I paid $12 per share, it was at $125 and at $86 now, I’m still holding.

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