How can I resist stress spending while saving for a house?

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  • #125797 Reply

      Saving to buy a house and I stress spend. Inspire me not to
      Saving for a house requires discipline, but stress spending can easily derail progress.

      Many people turn to impulse purchases, dining out, or retail therapy to cope with stress, often without realizing how much it adds up.

      If you’ve faced this challenge, how did you manage it? Did you set up specific rules, use budgeting apps, or find alternative ways to handle stress?

      Maybe you found a mindset shift that helped you stay focused on your long-term goal.

      I’d love to hear real strategies and personal experiences from others who have successfully balanced financial goals with emotional spending triggers.

      What worked for you?

      #125798 Reply

        Home security! I’ve drastically changed my spending habits to get into a better position.

        Now that almost there seeing the cost of home ownership wish I had started sooner!

        #125799 Reply

          If you recognized something is a compulsive buy put it back before spending and put that money you were gonna spend into a savings lol

          #125800 Reply

            I’m in the same boat! I have just been creating lots of Inspo pictures of design elements for once I get a house and making lots of Amazon wish lists!!!

            #125801 Reply

              Read the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. It will change your mindset about setting (and achieving) all your life goals.

              #125802 Reply

                I will be totally debt free in a couple of months and cannot wait. I can afford retirement.

                #125803 Reply

                  Find a hobby to replace stress spending. Try exercise, needlepoint, knitting, jigsaw puzzles, watching movies, etc. whatever floats your boat. Set goals.

                  Keep track of your accomplishments.

                  When you are tempted to shop replace that with devoting time to your hobby and completing the goals you set.

                  #125804 Reply

                    Make a dream board of the home you are striving to buy soon. Put it somewhere where you will see it a lot.

                    #125805 Reply

                      the sooner you get your home the better, the only way that the prices of houses would ever go back down is if there is a deep decrease in demand.

                      which I think would mean, a catastrophe such as another pandemic which kills millllions and millllions more people than the last one. hopefullly, that won’t happen. do free things.

                      for me – I love books. so, if I were in your shoes, I would be going to the library instead of going to a bookstore.

                      cheap clothing can be bought at 2nd hand stores. a brisk walk is just as good for you as an expensive membership at a gym. meditation. good luck with this!!

                      #125806 Reply

                        Make a game out of it. What is the least you can spend in a month? Find ways to save is fun and finding free is outstanding!

                        #125807 Reply

                          So, how’s that stress spending working for you, does it reduce your stress?
                          That’s the “Dr. Phil question,” to get you to come back from your spending la-la land.

                          Stay away from situations that encourage stress spending.
                          Don’t go shopping.

                          Don’t cruise your favorite stores or internet websites.

                          Leave your cash, credit cards and check book at home..
                          Delete the payment apps from your phone.

                          #125808 Reply

                            Have you made a vision board? I have one for my retirement dream home that I keep in my planner.

                            A visual reminder is a great reason WHY you are saving $

                            #125809 Reply

                              Each purchase should be a need. If you aren’t convinced you really need it, remove it from your shopping cart, even your save for later list, if it’s online.

                              Take pride in making due with what you have…

                              If there is something you really want, Tell someone you’re looking for it, and that you know God will provide in due time…

                              Then when He does, and it’s free or ridiculously affordable, you’ll have a witness to your testimony.

                              #125810 Reply

                                Honestly owning a home is extremely stressful. If you want to afford all the miscellaneous unexpected expenses, you’ll have to find the discipline to stop frivolous spending.

                                #125811 Reply

                                  Put every penny you don’t want to spend in a different account not easily accessed no debit card or anything and don’t touch it

                                  #125812 Reply

                                    Where is your written budget
                                    Zero based
                                    When money comes in
                                    You pay bills

                                    Set aside what you need until you get money again like for gas etc.

                                    Any excess money is thrown at debt or put in saving out of reach
                                    Put your credit cards in a cup of water in the freezer
                                    Leave your bank card at home

                                    Use cash
                                    Sell, return, or gift anything you buy to break the habit
                                    You don’t break bad habits

                                    You create new ones
                                    What is your plan

                                    #125813 Reply

                                      With the current rate of interest, you’ll need to save at least 20% down to buy anything but with our current rate of inflation, you also need to buy ASAP bc homeownership is almost a top 15% luxury as is and quickly headed toward something only corporations and the monetarily top 2% can afford.

                                      Good luck, and I truly mean that bc I know you deserve it more than the fore mentioned sects.

                                      #125814 Reply

                                        Spend your time online looking at houses instead of shopping. If you do shop online, put things in the cart but don’t buy them.

                                        It’s the impulse buying that’s the problem for me.. And the buying stuff on sale..

                                        I told myself if you really want this later you can spend the extra dollar or $3

                                        #125815 Reply

                                          Since you know you like to shop/spend when you feel stressed, budget in a specific amount that doesn’t hinder your saving too much.

                                          I give myself an allowance and know I can use it all on whatever I want.

                                          It may take a little while, but soon you will see that you can have your impulse outlet, and it’s enough. Wishing you the best!

                                          #125816 Reply

                                            If you don’t curb it now when it’s time to use a lender (if that’s the route you’re taking) and you continue to stress spend it can impede or worsen your loan buying process.

                                            That alone is worth you doing your best to curb your spending.

                                            Good luck!

                                            #125817 Reply

                                              Each time you stress spend that keeps you farther away from your goal. Remind yourself of that and and go outside for a walk, fold laundry, prep meals for the week, pickup needle point.

                                              Take yourself away from that spending thought.

                                              #125818 Reply

                                                Find better ways to manage stress and incorporate them. I don’t think much will change til you decide to make these changes. Ppl can’t really help you.

                                                You’ve got to do this yourself.

                                                If it means making money not accessible while you make some changes, do so. Spending needless money is never good.

                                                And you’ll need healthy financial habits if buying a home.

                                                #125819 Reply

                                                  I would start by having a no spend period of time, like a month or two. And just promise yourself you’ll stay out of the stores except for groceries and even there be frugal.

                                                  And then when that’s over it’ll seem really odd to go into a store for random shopping.

                                                  If I do feel like I need to have a little shopping spree, I go to the Dollar tree.

                                                  And oh my gosh, I might spend $5 or $10 or just nothing compared to most other stores

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