How do you manage ADHD impulse spending and dopamine-seeking habits?

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  • #116335 Reply

      Anyone in here with adhd? What tricks do you do to get over that adhd need to spend/impulse shopping, when you are dopamine seeking.

      I’m finally in a good financial position and want to keep it this way, but not sure how to go about effectively changing that behavior.

      What has everyone else done, those with adhd, or others that used to struggle with over spending and have been in control now for a few years.


      #116336 Reply

        I’m not diagnosed, but hanging around many and seeing the struggles…methods I see used are, letting things sit in the shopping cart for a specific amount of time, i.e. a week to really think over whether it’s needed or not (amazon), clicklist or whatever form of online grocery shopping is in your area, for groceries, to resist impulse spending.

        Only getting a basket, not a trolley.

        Having a shopping list (also, eat before you go out so your resistance isn’t weakened by hunger).

        Another important one for me is checking in regularly on my bank account and making every effort to increase savings.

        #116337 Reply

          Save for retirement
          Anything you buy now your going to want to get rid of in the future
          Start a fun hobby you can do and think about

          Be creative
          Get outside in nature
          Stay healthy

          #116338 Reply

            I have, deleted all apps I buy on, got rid of my banking app, withdraw x amount of money I a lot myself for the next two weeks, and put my card away.

            This has helped me a lot!

            #116339 Reply

              Look at not buying as a challenge. What do I need? Can I do without? Do I have a list of what I need? When are the sales for things I need?

              Use only cash.

              Pretend you’re poor and how can you make do with what you have.

              #116340 Reply

                Meee working on it day by day I do better if I plan ahead and give myself a day here n there to spend but I think about it a lot, make lists, reevaluate, I get a rush too when I find ways to not spend.

                #116341 Reply

                  I try to only buy things I can return without hassle. I like Sam’s club, Costco, and my citi card for those purposes.

                  I get it!

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