How to buy 1 acre land with $4000?

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  • #123397 Reply

      Hi!! I recently became interested in land purchasing. A family friend gave a group a tour of his family’s 20 acres in shepherd texas. He told me that he could give us 1 acre for $10,000.

      I only have $4000 cash, and unfortunately recently, do not have stable income to afford the remaining $6k.

      What should I do? Do I have other options? Thanks in advanced.

      SB: my plans for the acre would be for it to be an income generating asset. So like leasing it out for agriculture or a mobile home or something

      #123398 Reply

        Sounds like you can’t afford it. Fix your income/cash problem, then revisit your interest.

        I’ve been interested in purchasing the top of a mountain for years to escape the corporate rat race and people.

        But without the funds, it can’t happen.

        #123399 Reply

          If a bank won’t give you a loan or mortgage you can find an investor where you can offer them 10% return within a certain time period. Usually 12-24 months.

          They would have a lien on the property so if it falls through they could take possession.

          #123400 Reply

            I guess save more and then purchase

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