How to remove mothball smell from a leather purse?

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  • #121871 Reply

      used purse yesterday and it reeks of moth balls! Any way to get the smell out? It’s like a leather fabric so I can’t wash it.

      I tried Febreze and that didn’t work

      #121872 Reply

        Put it in a large ziplock with an open box of baking soda and leave it for 1-2 weeks.

        I just tried this with a smoke infused fabric chair and it worked!

        #121873 Reply

          Put it in high quality litter, worked for a purse I got off of Ebay thet REEKED of mothballs

          #121874 Reply

            When my aunt died, we got her purses. She was a chain smoker, so you can imagine the smell.

            Mom hung them on the back porch for about a week and the odor was gone.

            #121875 Reply

              I put mine in the freezer it works like a charm in a ziploc or plastic bag overnight

              #121876 Reply

                If you can leave it outside one afternoon for a few hours, the purse will air-out. Prop the purse open with a plastic drinking glass placed inside.

                #121877 Reply

                  you might want to put it in plastic bag filled with baking soda. leave it in there a long time.

                  baking soda inside and out of the bag

                  #121878 Reply

                    Didn’t see any comments on charcoal bags. They’re odor absorbers as well.

                    #121879 Reply

                      Fill with newspaper or packing paper and put out in sunshine

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