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I know for some it’s FIRE (financial freedom retire early). What is your motivation?
Anh1. Not be a victim of consumerism.
2. Not living paycheck to paycheck.StephanieHonestly I was just raised by two parents who are frugal. No real motivation -just seems to be how I am.
Ti.Gretzinger1. Yes, financial freedom.
2. I want my children to pick up on my frugal habits so they don’t ruin their financial future.MollyBeing frugal comes naturally to me. My parents were frugal out of necessity. Fortunately I’m in a financial position where I don’t HAVE to be, but so glad I am.
I’ve been able to pay for cancer treatments and IVF treatments in cash without stress.
I still don’t like having to pay for them, but at least I’m able to without going into debt.
That peace of mind is priceless to me.
Have you seen: What has surprised you the most about frugality?
TinaI like having the peace of mind to have the finances to cover emergencies.
I’m a single mom living in a country I wasn’t born in, with no family members nearby to reach out to if I needed immediate assistance.
StaceyI want to get to the point where I know I am ok and that I can live a long healthy life without stressing about money and maybe even retire. (I’m in my 50s).
JillI started being frugal before I knew it was a thing. Then I married my now exhusband, and things got to the point where I was stressed and unhappy over money all the time. I went back to being frugal, put him on an allowance, and improved at least the financial situation. After we divorced, I met my now husband, who was a fan of FIRE.
Between us we paid off our cars and my house, saved 40% of his income, and retired in our late fifties, even with helping some less than frugal relatives.
Being able to sleep at night is priceless!
Consider browsing: What frugal step did you take this week to save money?
MargieAbsorbed the lifestyle growing up. Retired now, and able to maintain a comfortable standard of living, within my means.
JanTo gain financial freedom…..and I have.
I enjoy the challenge and I don’t waste anything. I believe in being good to the Earth and not being greedy.
HeatherFor sure retiring before I’m much into my 60s is the biggest motivator. Unfortunately I had my youngest at 42 so that’s going to be hard.
TeresaSo, I can retire as early as 46, if I am offered an “early out” with full benefits (otherwise I’m out at 57).
It started out as necessity, but over time, as I earned more money, I stayed frugal to prioritize my financial goals and use the income for things I felt were worth it, scrimping where I don’t.
Worth a look: I have an idea for those of you looking for a way to give your Mom a frugal gift for Mother’s Day
LindaI grew up poor, share cropper’s daughter that went on to be come the most respected John Deere service person in our county. We were poor but bless with a loving family.
Watching my mom and dad raise 6 kids, 2 business mangers, 2 engineers, 1 accountant, and millionaire protect managers, frugal just because a way of life. A lifestyle that was passed on to my children.
It a life style of budgeting, saving and being careful how we use our money.
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