Is $18,000 car purchase for 16-year-old okay?

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  • #121452 Reply

      Frankly, I need someone to tell me it’s okay.
      I just spent $18,000 on a car for my 16 year old. My husband was adamant it was a Toyota or Honda. Under 75k miles. And at least a 2019

      It took us months of looking. We really wanted to stay under $15,000 and we went way over and I’m just kind of beating myself up

      If it matters. Zero debt, including a 500k home
      Salary $450,000
      Net worth 2.5 million

      I don’t have the best relationship with money and have a lot of guilt when I spend… so I’m hoping you guys can honestly tell me I’m being dumb and it’s okay.

      #121453 Reply

        First car should always be something you’re okay with getting beat up and wrecked.

        Seems like you’re doing fine to afford 18k however so I don’t think it was a bad purchase to worry about.

        #121454 Reply

          I just spent that on a new boiler for my house. Be happy you could put that money to that kind of use, bless you both.

          #121455 Reply

            Of course this wasn’t dumb, it’s your son’s life? With that kind of money I’d buy him the safest car I’d find.

            #121456 Reply

              You can afford it it seems but I’m not so sure it’s healthy for a 16 year old to have an 18K car. At least have that kid get a job and pay for it.

              Invest the money and give it to your child when you know they need it and when you know they aren’t a spoiled brat

              #121457 Reply

                Income $450,000, NW $2.5 million, beating yourself up over this? Quit playing.

                Sure you could have got something a few years older with a few more miles for a little cheaper… but come on.

                This is a drop in the bucket for you. Pat yourself on the back for getting your kid a nice safe reliable car.

                Thats one of the reasons you work and invest so hard to take care of your family. Great job.

                #121458 Reply

                  Warren Buffet denied his daughter money for home improvement and told her to get a bank loan.

                  No, I would not spend 18k on a car for a 16 year old.

                  #121459 Reply

                    My parents bought me a Honda Civic in high school & 12 years later it’s still running great! Zero issues. I think you made a great decision.

                    They are safe and reliable for your child.

                    That was my parents’ main priority in the vehicle they provided me with.

                    #121460 Reply

                      Bottom Line: You can afford it—by a wide margin—and the long-term impact on your finances is negligible. Here’s why:

                      1. Overall Financial Health
                      • You’re debt-free, including a $500k house.
                      • You earn $450k annually and have a net worth of $2.5M.
                      • An $18k car purchase won’t meaningfully change your financial trajectory.

                      2. Reliability & Safety
                      • A Toyota or Honda with fewer miles can last for years, helping protect your child on the road.
                      • Spending a bit more for reliability and safety can be worth the peace of mind.

                      3. Emotional Aspect
                      • Guilt around spending often stems from old habits or past financial experiences.
                      • Recognize this purchase aligns with your values (safety, reliability for your family) and is well within your means.

                      Verdict: It’s okay. You have the financial foundation and you made a prudent choice for a reliable vehicle. Enjoy the peace of mind—your finances remain on solid ground.

                      #121461 Reply

                        You can optionally make your son pay for it with extra chores or a paper route?

                        #121462 Reply

                          Not dumb at all in your financial position. My first car was a $10k civic and I would probably still be driving it if it didn’t die in a flash flood during law school.

                          My dad made me make “payments” to myself in my savings account to pay it off.

                          Then when I studied abroad he surprised me and said I could keep the money to travel with. It was a fantastic car.

                          #121463 Reply

                            I personally will be doing the same with the same brands. They should last and last if maintained and safety features are important to me as well.

                            These are my kids and $18k with your numbers for this seems smart to me from a moms point of view. As well.

                            I would not be beating myself up at all over this. Will that amount make an actual difference?

                            It about 2 weeks of your pay (or a little more for taxes). Would you work an extra 2-3 weeks for this car for her?

                            #121464 Reply

                              The $ amount doesn’t concern me
                              My question is. What skin in the game does your kid have. Did he have to earn half?

                              Has he learned the value of hard work and working for what you earn?

                              #121465 Reply

                                it has nothing to do about your money, it really is more about what you just taught your 16 year old.

                                Stuff is free. Mom and dad will always provide for me.
                                When will it stop?

                                You will pay for prom, for college, spring break, etc.
                                I see it all the time with my work.

                                Start putting you kids on a budget. They should pay for at least half of everything extra if not sll.

                                My kids paid for their first cars, we added to their savings, matched up to $5k. They had to psy for insurance and gas, and have an emergency fund for when they crashed or it broke.

                                I see kids in their 30s still bring supported by mom and dad. They never learn to be self reliant.

                                Time to make a change.

                                #121466 Reply

                                  Would you feel better if the kid got some skin in the game? Have them get their own insurance policy and help them save and budget for maintenance and repairs.

                                  Gasoline is all on them. Maybe establish that this is the one and only car you will buy them?

                                  With that net worth, I hope you’re putting the car in their name and not yours.

                                  #121467 Reply

                                    I hope you don’t stress like this on purchases. Just enjoy life and a few thousand makes no difference at your level.

                                    #121468 Reply

                                      “You’re being dumb and it’s okay”
                                      But for real: You literally spent less than 4% of your annual income on this expense…on a safe used vehicle for your child to drive…when you have no debt…and a large savings rate.

                                      Just breathe.

                                      It’s all good.

                                      #121469 Reply

                                        my two cents- if he doesn’t already have a job, he should get one and make payments and pay for gas and insurance.

                                        Then that money could be for college, as a surprise. that’s quite a nice car for a 16 year old, and someone’s first car.

                                        looks like this opinion isn’t popular.

                                        #121470 Reply

                                          The budget you set is arbitrary, right? $3000 over is a tiny percentage of your annual income.

                                          I wouldn’t worry at all. We have an 06 Highlander with 100k miles on it that keeps on going.

                                          #121471 Reply

                                            It is totally fine. My parents bought me my first car in high school, a brand new BMW, and I drove it for 15 years until I needed to buy another car.

                                            I had a reliable transportation through high school, college, grad school and first job. My parents still retired early.

                                            It was a win-win. No need to beat yourself up if you didn’t go into debt for it and can still stay on your FIRE path/goals.

                                            #121472 Reply

                                              If he’s careful it will last him through college. It’s fine. Sell it if you ever need to.

                                              #121473 Reply

                                                The median annual household income in the US is 81,000. To purchase an 18k dollar used car it would take nearly a quarter (22%) of their entire income.

                                                Most Americans have a near 0 networth due to liabilities over assets.

                                                You spent 0.7% of your networth on a car for your child and feel GUILTY spending it?

                                                #121474 Reply

                                                  Aside from this being fine for your financial position, I’ll add that I had a similar situation when buying my first car in high school where the cost ended up being higher than planned for the criteria my parents encouraged.

                                                  But wow, that Honda that was already over a decade old when I got it, drove me through high school, college, cross country, became my now husbands first car, and across country again before we finally upgraded a decade and a half later to a family mini van.

                                                  And it was still running without a single issue! The right car to start is so worth it.

                                                  I can imagine if I rebought again every few years or so I’d have come out far behind.

                                                  #121475 Reply

                                                    I mean I wouldn’t spend that much on a car for my child, but my financial situation isn’t where yours is.

                                                    If it was I absolutely wouldn’t have an issue with this. However if he wrecks it I wouldn’t buy another nice new car.

                                                    His car is newer and has fewer miles than either of our family cars do/did when we bought them

                                                    #121476 Reply

                                                      I think you did quite well, paid cash for a used depreciating asset, and he can spend the next decade driving that car to the moon and back.

                                                      #121477 Reply

                                                        I just went through the same with my 16-year old. It took me about two months at the end of last year, also looked at Hondas and Toyotas.

                                                        Initially thought of getting a sedan, like a Civic or Corolla, but then decided on a CRV size for better visibility, safety and practicality (in my mind).

                                                        Bought a 2019 CRV EXL for $21K with 58,000 miles.

                                                        I am happy with my choice. I don’t think you should beat yourself up.

                                                        #121478 Reply

                                                          I think you did great. I got my girls brand new Honda civics for their first cars in high school . They had every safety feature available.

                                                          They weren’t flashy – no special rims, no sun roof, no sporty interior package. Just super safe, reliable cars.

                                                          After they graduated college and started their first jobs, I gifted them the car. I disagreed with some other parents about giving me the new car and the kids keeping the old ones.

                                                          We drive our cars until they fall apart. So, they are much older, with none of the new safety features, like backup cameras and blind spot assist.

                                                          It was a safer bet to put the less experienced drivers in the safer cars. Aside from a couple dings, they did great.

                                                          I feel like I did my job well, because they take great care of their cars and expect to keep them indefinitely.

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