Is everyone’s portfolio dropping? How are you coping?

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  • #127528 Reply

      OUCH!! Looking at my Vanguard account hurts. Is everyone’s portfolio taking a nose dive?? I know I should just logoff and walk away slowly but it’s like watching a nasty train wreck…can’t help it.

      What’s everyone doing (or taking) to get through this phase?

      Unfortunately, buying a bunch of undervalued assets isn’t an option at this time as I was laid off recently.

      But I’ll take any other suggestions.

      #127529 Reply

        Nothing. You should anticipate this happening at least a few times per decade.

        In an unpredictable manner.

        #127530 Reply

          Were you invested during the Covid pandemic and the resulting crash? If so, if you stayed invested you made a lot of money!

          So, remember that as stocks fall these days.

          Remember the stock market is like a yo-yo climbing a mountain.

          It always goes up over time.

          #127531 Reply

            Markets ups-and-downs are part of investing. Unless you’re about to retire, relax. This is a time to buy at a discount.

            Whatever you do, don’t sell.

            And if you are about to retire, hopefully you had an asset allocation that contemplated down years.

            #127532 Reply

              Personally, I take solace in the thought that billionaires will not let the stock market be down forever.

              They want it to go up more than we do.

              #127533 Reply

                I’m living life. Going to the gym, exploring outdoors, eating at great restaurants, and trying to find new places to listen to live music.

                Practicing gratitude and volunteering to help others helps a lot too.

                After you have been on this journey for a bit you will see this will happen again and it just is part of the journey.

                Keep living your best life.

                #127534 Reply

                  Have you been investing for a short time? The market goes up and down. You get used to rolling with it.

                  If you can’t stomach it right now then stop looking.

                  Don’t do anything rash.

                  #127535 Reply

                    I’m retired and have a 70/30 portfolio plus enough cash to last 5 or 6 years.. I just don’t log on.

                    If it takes a 2008 type dive I might start rolling some bond funds to stocks…

                    Or not, it really doesn’t matter if you have enough.

                    #127536 Reply

                      Perspective…. DOW is still 3000 points above 12 months ago. Staying the course.

                      You only lose money if you sell.

                      #127537 Reply

                        I’m not looking…I do a net worth statement 1 or 2x a year.

                        We did just cash out a cd to fund our Roth ira for 2024 but might put it in something stable there for a minute.

                        #127538 Reply

                          I’m trying to be positive and thinking about how I’ll get to hit some of my exciting net worth milestones a second time

                          #127539 Reply

                            What a great time to take note of your net worth drop!!
                            It can very much put in great context small spending decisions many agonize over.

                            Should I spend a little more here? Or there? Should we take this vacation? Buy this thing?

                            It’s all revealed in a different way when you see clearly that your net worth drops 10x or 100x the amount you are agonizing over.

                            Embrace the big up and big down days. Look at the amounts.

                            It will change how you view those relatively small spending choices that many of us agonize over.

                            #127540 Reply

                              I’ve moved most things to conservative + income funds. Hoping to move everything back to aggressive when it seems like we’re closer to the bottom.

                              In the meantime, down we go!

                              Time to start buying puts.

                              #127541 Reply

                                You should be focusing all your energy on finding a new job and keeping expenses as low as possible until you do.

                                The market is not your biggest risk right now and will just exhaust your valuable mental energy.

                                I was laid off last fall so I get the stress! I start my new job Monday and I plan to revisit if my allocations are appropriate for my goals.

                                #127542 Reply

                                  I don’t even want to check my portfolio, I know it’s down but I’m not planning to do anything right now, just stay the course and pray.

                                  #127543 Reply

                                    Yep, it’s to be expected. Close your laptop and open it back up again in 6 months.

                                    #127544 Reply

                                      Feeling great. Sold some singles at highs earlier in the year. Now I have a nice short-term pot I can draw from to pay the bills and buy while things are “on sale.”

                                      I think I just coincidentally timed the market while shifting to a lower risk tolerance.

                                      Sometimes you eat the bear?

                                      #127545 Reply

                                        Keep watching. Build some resilience. You’ll need it if you’re ever going to retire early and live off of stock investments.

                                        #127546 Reply

                                          Give yourself a pat on the back every time you look and do nothing, think of it as building emotional resilience to the ever changing markets.

                                          #127547 Reply

                                            I’m planning to just stop tracking my net worth for a while. That was what I did during the Covid plunge and it worked well.

                                            It’s only fun to track when it’s going up!

                                            #127548 Reply

                                              Nice pull back and buying opportunity to enhance future growth. This decline is nothing in terms of the overall market.

                                              If having issues now, what will you do in a 20, 30, 40, 50% drop or worse.

                                              If you have a plan review it and be sure on track and if too aggressive for what you can handle, consider making changes.

                                              There will be at some point a MAJOR correction and then your tolerance for pain will truly be tested.

                                              I’m always buying and always will.

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