Is it safe to share my bank details with my boyfriend?

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  • #125252 Reply

      Hello folks, we are both divorcees ( Im 45, he’s 51 ) who are dating with kids…and have been dating this boyfriend for the past two years and he has Visa issues and he’s going to be leaving in about two weeks to Singapore……

      and I’m based in the US and he keeps telling me that as a gift for my son ( who is 13 ) for his college funds, he’s going to send me $30,000 after breaking down his 401(k).

      He’s asking me for my bank account number and routing number and Branch address and he tells me that, after giving this info, even if I break the relationship with him he will still send me the $30,000 for my son and make a small smile on my face ……its because of the distance that even if I break the relationship he wants to do this for me …….

      he has not really paid anything for me as I am paying all my bills, etc. he has taken me out of restaurants……

      He has bought me things that’s all..and trips here snd there….he himself says he has a debt of $30,000 in Singapore but yet he wants to do this for me ……even if I break the relationship, its still ok….

      I don’t know how far this is true but he seems to be like a very genuine guy and I am a very affectionate needy person…

      Pls advice,

      #125253 Reply

        If you wire money you don’t need all of that information!! Ask for a check instead.

        #125254 Reply

          Please tell me this is a joke. Do not give ANYONE your banking info.

          #125255 Reply

            Wait–but hes not an Ethiopian prince…couldnt possibly be a SCAM. For the lovevof G–, do NOT give this person your bankingbinformation or personal information!!!

            #125256 Reply

              This has danger written all over it. Having said that, if you really feel he is sincere, go to a different bank and open an account and just keep $100 dollars in it.

              Let him have that number or better yet, tell him you’ll take a check….

              #125257 Reply

                No! He can set up a new account with your son as beneficiary. Do NOT use your SSN or your sons SSN.

                #125258 Reply

                  I’m smelling a long game scam… If he really wants to gift you and your son money, he can send a money order or cashiers check. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE should you provide any of your personal financial account information to him.

                  Even if it seems benign, there is zero reason he needs it to gift you money.

                  #125259 Reply

                    Ran! He needed you for Visa and as soon as he gets your Account information then he’s gone!

                    And if he is a fraudulent kinda person, he can use you to send fraudulent transactions to America… honey, that’s a SCAM!

                    Ran and don’t look back!

                    #125260 Reply

                      I’m not liking the sounds of it either, but the information he’s asking for isn’t anything outlandish.

                      All of that information (account number, routing number, address of branch) is on every check you’ve ever written out of your checkbook to someone.

                      This is akin to the people who go to great lengths of removing their license plate number when they put up a car for sale, yet drive same car in public with the license plate fully exposed for all to see…

                      #125261 Reply

                        Seriously , are you trying to be the subject of the next Netflix true crime series?

                        If your are lucky and your story is crazy enough maybe you can get paid for the rights to your story to recoup the big loss you are about to incur.

                        have you tried dating a Nigerian prince?

                        #125262 Reply

                          We can’t possibly say if he’s sincere or not. But the information he’s asking for, ie account number, routing number, branch address, are all printed on every check you write.

                          #125263 Reply

                            No way. Do not give him any banking or personal information. Also, very very fishy that he has a debt the same amount that he says he will gift… do not be needy and vulnerable to/with men…

                            #125264 Reply

                              My opinion is that you’d be wise to stay away from this person.
                              In the world of manipulation, this is called ‘future faking’, where people make promises in the present (in order to get their way) that will materialize sometime in the future.

                              Please be careful.

                              #125265 Reply

                                scammers can create a very elaborate plan, sometimes they can “work on it” for months, even years.

                                they do it with multiple potential victims simultaneously.

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