Prioritize brokerage, Roth 401K, or HSA for early retirement?

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  • #119806 Reply

      If I’m planning on retiring early, should I prioritize my brokerage account or my retirement accounts (Roth 401K and HSA)?

      And which retirement account should I prioritize in my contributions Roth 401K or HSA?

      Currently it’s 50/50 between Roth 401K and brokerage account. And a $50 biweekly contribution to my HSA.

      #119807 Reply

        Your 401k is going to be worth more in retirement than a regular brokerage account due to the tax advantages, but you also can’t use it until 59 1/2.

        I’m not sure which should be prioritized for FIRE.

        I also do about a 50/50 split

        #119808 Reply

          You should probably prioritize traditional 401k not Roth.

          #119809 Reply

            401k to the match, roth to the limit, brokerage account fir the rest is what I am doing and would recommend

            #119810 Reply

              Depending on your tax bracket, focus on brokerage account, Roth, then 401k.

              I would put the HSA at the front of the list once you have a good head start in the brokerage and Roth accounts.

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