Should I save my HSA for retirement or use it now?

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  • #117190 Reply

      I have a HD insurance plan and have been contributing to a HSA for about 2 years. I am not retired yet possibly 10ish years.

      Should I continue to pay out of pocket for my medical expenses and save the HSA for retirement or go ahead and use it.

      #117191 Reply

        Can you comfortably float yourself now on those expenses? If so, yes, invest for the long haul.

        #117192 Reply

          There are no RMDs from HSA so just let it run. You can pay Medicare premiums (part B/C/D) and any copay or deductibles.

          Also, you can continue to hold those receipts and use a few decades from now when you use up 401k funds for example

          #117193 Reply

            The best tax advantage is to invest it and save it for retirement.

            #117194 Reply

              The former. Let that HSA grow tax-free for future qualified reimbursement!

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