What is a safe, simple option to roll over a $28,000 SEP IRA for a risk-averse retiree?


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  • #103973 Reply

      Asking advice for my mom, here is the situation:
      She has a SEP IRA from Raymond James worth ~$28000 that they are no longer going to continue for her.

      She needs to roll this money over into a different account.

      She is highly risk adverse and she is only a couple of years away from retirement.

      What would you suggest if it was your mother?

      Please consider she needs something simple and safe.

      I appreciate all your thoughts and advise on this matter.

      #103974 Reply

        Just roll it into a traditional Ira. She can invest how she sees fit from there.

        #103975 Reply

          Will she start drawing on it right away? Or she can live off other funds and use this later?

          #103976 Reply

            that’s tough – it really depends on how soon she needs the money.

            My dad was alot like your mom.

            He just put it in a CD. Check bankrate.com. for interest on money markets and CDs.

            I’m not sure that she could handle the ups and downs of a market. My dad couldn’t.

            He put everything in CDs when he turned 70 and he lived another 22 years!

            he would have kicked ass in the market – but he would have lost his mind.

            #103977 Reply

              Move it to Fidelity and take care of it for her. Raymond James was probably taking her to the cleaners anyway.

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