What would you do if you received a “new” water heater that’s 6 years old?

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  • #127434 Reply

      Lowes Knows? I just made a purchase from Lowe’s buying a new water heater however, when it arrived I found it is six years old. The water heater is new and not refurbished (and was approx 1k.)

      The reason that I am purchasing this water heater is mainly for Insurance (and energy) reasons.

      I have been asked before in the past to just take a picture of the serial number and send it back to the insurance company.

      My question/concerning/grape is, what would you do if you purchased a new hot water heater and was delivered a six year old one?

      Let me say I am not worried about the warranty.

      I understand from a warranty perspective that I will register the water heater with the manufacturer and it will start then.

      My concern is Insurance.

      #127435 Reply

        I would try to return it and get one that’s not as old, that’s just my opinion

        #127436 Reply

          I would return it and tell them they delivered a used one not a new one

          #127437 Reply

            Here’s one way to look at it: It was made prepandemic. Lately I find everything made after 2020 to break easily and often.

            I’d gladly buy something new from 6 years ago because it will have likely been built better without quality issues.

            #127438 Reply

              If you live in Florida, return it.
              If you aren’t pulling a permit to change it, return it.

              Otherwise enjoy it. The date won’t matter.

              Florida insurance is crazy and they go by manufacturer date unless you provide a permit.

              Most plumbers don’t pull a permit unless you pay extra.

              #127439 Reply

                Uhm. What? It’s new. It was manufactured 6 years ago, sure. But also, unless you are getting a tankless water heater the tech hasn’t changed much.

                Also, if you want super new, you’ll have to purchase from somewhere that turns their inventory…

                #127440 Reply

                  The date of manufacture isn’t terrible important. The date of in service is the important one.

                  There is little to no wear on one sitting on the shelf

                  #127441 Reply

                    Did you pay today’s pricing? I had a heating company tell me they had a heater in stock (beginning of the Covid delivery issue) that he would have up to today’s pricing.

                    Why didn’t it cost the company today’s pricing when they purchased it.

                    So, your new tank should have been cheaper. That’s my opinion.

                    #127442 Reply

                      A friend of mine had her dishwasher serviced shortly after purchasing it “new” from Lowe’s, and the technician told her it was a previously used dishwasher, and has seen Lowe’s do this..

                      You can contact the manufacturer and see if the serial number has been registered, prior to you owning it.

                      #127443 Reply

                        You should be able to simply return it. I wouldn’t install it.

                        #127444 Reply

                          I would request a newer stock replacement and post this question to a plumbing forum.

                          Although the parts are unused, there could be an issue with some mechanisms sitting for 6 years, and some parts could be updated.

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