Who helps you plan efficient retirement taxes: CPA or tax expert?

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  • #120629 Reply

      Who are you using for help with planning for the time you actually retire. A CPA or more of a tax expert.

      We’d be looking for help planning for Roth conversions, managing RMD’s when we get that age.

      Basically coming up with the most efficient tax plan.
      We’d be 65 & 62 with about 4mil in all of our accounts.

      #120630 Reply

        A tax focused CFP will be the best person to help with this. When it comes to Roth conversions, there are a lot of things to keep in mind in addition to taxes- ACA premiums, IRMAA, social security planning, potential charitable intentions to name a few.

        A good CFP should understand how all of these things work together

        #120631 Reply

          I’m using my tax accountant. I also paid about $300 for an hours consultation with a financial planner; and he and I discussed taxes as well.

          given that you’re talking about matters that involve significant tax implications; I would be consulting with the tax expert.

          Good luck and keep us posted.

          #120632 Reply

            We utilise a FINRA certifed tax/finance advisor! We’re retired about 3 years now and it wouldnt have been achievable without the roadmap he sketched for us!

            Not selling anything to you but look him up on the brokercheck site, see his disclosures and hire his services if you’re satisfied with what you see

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