Will a federal hiring freeze affect a job offer starting soon in MI?

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  • #120817 Reply

      Unsure where else to ask.
      Husband accepted a federal job offer with a start date in a couple of weeks, in Michigan.

      Will the hiring freeze affect this?

      #120818 Reply

        Probably too early to tell. The executive order was just signed today and I doubt anyone on FB has seen the actual wording of the order yet.

        It’ll take some time for the guidance to trickle down to the various agencies HR departments.

        Best bet is for him to engage with whichever HR Specialist is handling his final job offer and pending start date to see if there is any impact.

        #120819 Reply

          What a difficult question. Since he isn’t officially hired (hasn’t had day 1 on the job) that position is still officially vacant.

          Hopefully, someone at that job has an idea.

          #120820 Reply

            No according to the order, any jobs not filled by noon 1/20. Will not be filled

            #120821 Reply

              The full executive order can be found online. I tried to link it but my comment was declined.

              Language in the EO says “As part of this freeze, no Federal civilian position that is vacant at noon on January 20, 2025, may be filled, and no new position may be created except as otherwise provided for in this memorandum or other applicable law.”

              Unless the position falls into one of the exclusions I doubt he will be onboarded

              #120822 Reply

                Go to the subreddit r/fednews. It’s looking like the freeze is in effect. Don’t give notice or move!!

                I’m very sorry.

                #120823 Reply

                  I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. It seems it really comes down to defining “no position that is vacant.” If he was already awarded the job does that mean it has been “filled?”

                  Only his HR team can really give you the info you need.

                  Please report back and let us know how it goes, as I see this affecting a lot of people.

                  #120824 Reply

                    I can’t answer this, but we moved to Michigan a few years ago and love it! Hope everything works out for you.

                    #120825 Reply

                      It looks like a start date before February 8 is key. If it’s before then, he appears good to go.

                      #120826 Reply

                        It truly depends on the office. Ask HR! There are always exceptions.

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