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If there is a reduction is Social Security payments, would there be a reduction for military retirements also?
If so, would the reduction percentage would be the same?
Are there any policies linking the two, or is military retirement independent of Social Security changes?
I’d love to hear insights from those familiar with military pensions and government benefits.
BryonI would be shocked if they reduced SS or military retirements that they have committed to.
I could certainly see at some point that they either take out more for SS for those that are paying in, reduce benefits based on net worth, change the age for those that are not retired for receiving benefits, I’ve set some of the money into the markets or some other solution to ensure it is solvent.
That, or we just borrow more to pay the difference. Unfortunately, a solution may not come until we are further down the road and our politicians are forced to make an unpopular decision.
DavidThe first benefits to go are SNAP and Medicaid and other financial safety nets.
Next, they have discussed increasing the retirement age and cutting funds to Medicare.
Just prepare yourself for the worse.
JuliaTrying not to get too political here…
I can’t imagine that they could cut military retirements without cutting all government retirements.As for raising the retirement age, if you are considering a military context, an awful lot of military retirees barely make it to the 20 year mark due to injuries and health issues.
To extend that would be really tough.
MattIt’s not a crazy question. There is legislation being drafted, I think out of Florida. They want to increase the amount of money that federal employees pay towards their pension to 4.4% across the board.
Which is pretty significant for someone to pay at a time when everything else is more expensive. Also, they want to reduce the benefit of the pension.
They want to take away the health insurance and turn it into a voucher system.
want to take away social security supplements for law enforcement officers and other special category employees.
Don’t let people say you are ill informed or fear mongering
SteveIt’s a crazy question, because social security is non-discretionary so what reduction are you being misled about?
ScottAnything’s possible, but I seriously doubt either would happen. What they may do, is start limiting who qualifies, slow down cola adjustments.
But upfront deductions wouldn’t happen.
Joeno one knows for sure, because they are literally making everything up as they go now
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