Can an S Corp pay a mortgage with pre-tax money for a business stay home?



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  • #123834 Reply

      Hi guys, If you buy a home through an s corp , classify it as a home solely to stay while your are on business at a second city away from your primary place of residence , can the mortgage be paid by pretax monies?

      This home will lodge me while I am in this town for business . That’s the only use of this home .

      #123835 Reply

        How often will you use it? You might want to make it an airbnb and rent it when you’re not there.

        You can handle it yourself or hire a property manager.

        #123836 Reply

          The cleanest way to do this is via the Augusta rule (google it for all the details) in section 280A(g) of the tax code.

          This may not fully compensate you for your home’s expenses but can be a good way to transfer tax free dollars to you and deduct them from your scorp.

          If only being used to stay while visiting a business you own you would technically have to claim all days stayed as income with your annual taxes.

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