Costco Price Adjustment: A Quick Refund Trick?

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  • #126189 Reply

      Was recently at Costco and noticed a price change on an item we purchased a few weeks ago.

      Quick stop to a manager with my membership card and receipt and I’m $54 richer from the refund of the difference.

      Is that girl math?

      #126190 Reply

        And my son thinks I am a freak of nature for being able to remember prices…

        #126191 Reply

          Pays to pay attention! I’ve noticed the self checkout at my neighbor grocery store frequently does not register the sale prices.

          I pay attention because if you watch the pennies the dollars follow.

          #126192 Reply

            Get the money back that way I sure do it when I can catch it with in a week

            #126193 Reply

              Wow – that’s a big price difference! Within 30 days usually…I do try to keep an eye on things if I buy more expensive items

              #126194 Reply

                You can just go to customer service and they’ll give you a refund. Don’t have to go to manager

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