Does freezing cream cheese ruin its texture?

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  • #125791 Reply

      Hi folks, I had gotten cream cheese on sale and froze a couple of packs. It doesn’t work, the smooth & creamy turned to crumbly like cottage cheese curds.

      Oh well, glad to share my mistake.

      They are edible and probably do well in baking. Live and learn.

      #125792 Reply

        Add a touch of half and half and use an emulsion blender on it, it’ll turn back to normal

        #125793 Reply

          I freeze it all the time. Just thaw and whip it up and use it.

          #125794 Reply

            Did you try gently heating it up to see if it melts and gets creamy again?

            I like adding celery salt, garlic powder, onion powder, mustard powder and dry dill to make a tasty spread.

            #125795 Reply

              To fix grainy cream cheese, let it soften at room temperature, then beat it thoroughly with a mixer until smooth; if necessary, you can also try pushing it through a fine mesh sieve to remove any remaining lumps, or gently warm it up in the microwave for a few seconds to help it become more pliable.

              #125796 Reply

                It has worked fine for me for years. I wonder, do you use regular or the low-fat Neufchatel?

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