How can I reduce propane costs and find cheaper car insurance?

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  • #121768 Reply

      I went through all my transactions for the month and to my surprise (not really because it has been cold), I have spent $300 so far on propane for my RV.

      It’s needed as it keeps the underbelly and myself warm. And I had an unexpected copay of $400. So that’s a HUGE chunk of my money! I also have been notified that my car insurance is going from $150 to $170.

      I’ve tried looking everywhere but no place online can give me a quote or they are unable to insure me. This is just for liability only, not even full coverage and comprehensive.

      With this being said, are there any frugal ways to trim down on propane and stay warm?

      And how does one save if nobody will quote me? Do I go in and talk to them?

      I’ve tried calling my current insurance company and they have no discounts that I’m eligible for.

      No accidents in the 6 months that I have been with them, but have had 4 incidents in the last 3 years.

      #121769 Reply

        Honestly, if you have had 4 incidents in the last 3 years, you should be glad the insurance is only 170$

        #121770 Reply

          My guess 6 months is nothing as far as accidents are concerned. You maybe able to talk to them after a couple of years with no other issues.

          Take the $170 and be happy.

          Look to insulating your RV.

          #121771 Reply

            What state do you live in? I am licensed for Louisiana and work for State Farm, I’d be happy to do a quote for you if you live in my state

            #121772 Reply

              We’ve lived full time in our RV in NE Oklahoma for 4 years.
              What insurance plan do you have? We have Progressive and have our small RV, small car, and small pickup all bundled together.

              It comes out to be about $200 a month for all 3. We’ve only filed one insurance claim and that was on the car when a big rock hit the front windshield a couple of years ago.

              Our insurance rates have climbed up some, but nothing we didn’t expect.

              Do you have skirting around the bottom of your RV? It helps a lot. Billboard vinyl works great.

              Have you put anything on your windows? Reflectix or bubble wrap helps to keep the heat in.

              Do you keep your propane heat around 60-65 degrees during the day? At night when we sleep we turn the heat down to 55 degrees.

              If it gets down to about 20 degrees, we raise the thermostat to 56 degrees.

              We just snuggle under the blankets and put on extra clothes to keep warm. It’s just my hubby and me, and we have no pets.

              Are you using some type of electric heater for supplemental heat? We use a milk house heater. Our RV is only 30 amp so we have to be careful not to overload the circuit.

              Join the FB group Stationary Full Time RV Living if you haven’t yet. There are lots of members from Texas.

              #121773 Reply

                RV’s are tough and expensive to keep Warm or cold.
                Many don’t realize that when they decide to live the RV life

                #121774 Reply

                  I use an electric mattress pad in my cold bedrooms. I love it! My cat curls up on it and waits for me to turn it on..

                  I also have little blankets that are electric for when I’m sitting there..

                  #121775 Reply

                    If you’re stationary there are RV kits out there for insulating between the bottom edge of the RV and the ground as well as lots of videos with cheaper ways to do the same thing.

                    #121776 Reply

                      Is your RV parked in a campground where electricity is included? If so a good quality space heater should be able to offset the costs if you run while you are there.

                      They are about $100 or less.

                      #121777 Reply

                        Add skirting around the bottom of your RV. If possible, build a wall or privacy fence om the north side to block the cold wind.

                        If you’re on your own land, plant some evergreens on the north side like cedar.

                        Try adding an insulation layer on your roof to keep that warm air from escaping.

                        Insurance is getting crazy here in TX – but auto isn’t as bad as home.

                        #121778 Reply

                          I’m learning a Buddy heater heats very well on little propane. I would use 20lb tanks though. May be cheaper but not sure.

                          My big buddy on low heats very well with little propane used (on low)

                          #121779 Reply

                            We use an insurance broker. They found us cheaper insurance with the same coverage and saved us $1000.

                            #121780 Reply

                              Is it just you living in the RV? If so, keep the temp so that any pipes don’t freeze & then bundle up with lots of layers.

                              My house is fairly cool during the day when it’s just me home – I use multiple layers and blankets to stay warm.

                              I really only run the heat when my kids are home

                              #121781 Reply

                                all of my bills went up 20.00. it s as if they are all looking for the last twenty dollars you own…or they presumed that was your social security increase.

                                they didnt bother to look at the part b increase

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