How can my friend reduce a $70K tax bill on $300K short-term gains?

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  • #126871 Reply

      A friend of mine messed up big time and now has a $70K tax bill for 2024….The taxable income ($300K) comes almost entirely from short-term capital gain from selling stocks….and he doesn’t have access to those gains anymore either.

      Is there anyway to reduce the tax bill? Any programs? Bankrupcy?

      #126872 Reply

        IRS payment plan, maybe you have other losses/contributions to offset the gains?

        Short term should count as regular income tax wise so maybe max out retirement?

        #126873 Reply

          Does that mean there is a large loss in 2025? Get on a payment plan and get to work.

          If you have a large loss at least 2025 taxes will be low.

          #126874 Reply

            I would consult a good tax, lawyer; or good tax CPA. My bankruptcy class at law school was back in the fall of 1997… And I’m almost certain the bankruptcy laws have changed significantly since that time.

            #126875 Reply

              IRS payment plan is the only way.
              Guess your buddy went gambling and lost the gains?

              #126876 Reply

                Unfortunately bankruptcy does not forgive taxes. I would recommend speaking to a CPA (not a tax preparer).

                My dad & brother are CPAs and recently had a client who’s daughter was day trading and ended up with $100K+ in taxes – sadly there wasn’t much that they could do to help other than get her set up on an IRS payment plan.

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