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Hey guys, I need a little advice. I’m 26 and my net worth is around $400k.
I had $100k in the bank. So 4 days ago I decided to drop 50k of it into stocks and 25k into crypto so some is invested instead of just sitting.
The markets have been dropping quickly since and now I’m down over $10k in a few days.
Should I leave it? I have a long term mindset with it but I’m nervous now that it was terrible timingg and I’m just going to keep losing what I put in…
RobThe market was down a few years ago. I don’t remember this much panic. Is everyone new to investing since then?
KurtI’m not sure you could have possibly timed that any worse.
No one knows what the market will do but if I were you I would either:A)
Keep it in there. If you invested in quality companies and Bitcoin (not sh$tcoins), it will go back up over time.B-
Wait for a bounce, sell, learn the markets, then re-enter. The past couple of weeks have been down only.Even if it’s a larger correction, we’re going to get a bounce you can sell. Buy on red days, sell on green.
MarkYou should learn the basics of long term.investing. self education of how the market works will ease your mind
FelixThis is not the right time to enter the market. The difference between a profitable trader and one who loses is that the former knows when to buy and sell, while the latter doesn’t.
Trading is about knowing when to buy and sell—that’s why it’s called trading.
SteveYou should read some books first. Simple Path to Wealth is one of them. Or A Random Walk Down Wall Street, for example.
ScottieShould have asked these questions before if you didn’t already know. Leave the money where it is and forget about it for a few years.
MariaYou haven’t lost any $ until you sell. Keep it in. Prepare for more lows in the next few yrs, but don’t lose hope.
As the market gets lower, these are chance to purchase more if you can.
BillLeave it in. You will go through this many times. It’s just the way it is. Long term. Don’t let emotions make you sell.
I did that when I was your age and lost a chunk of money that would have come back bad I left it alone.
Don’t try to time the market.
You have to be right twice. When to get in and when to get out.
ZacheryYou only lose that money if you sell…. Crypto can be very up and down but you should just stick to index funds for good steady returns over all.
Honestly you are WAYYYYYY ahead of 99% of people even those in their 40’s… if I’m buying honest you probably don’t need to much advice, BUT best advice would be to keep buying more shares at these discounted prices.
Remember you ain’t retiring for 25-30 years… let it compound!
StanYes, if you are worried about market fluctuations then I’d get out. The market is not for you.
SeanYes, leave it invested. Stop looking at it, and don’t worry if the timing was good or bad.
DirkAnyone saying get out or that this isn’t the right time should be ignored. You already bought which means just leave it in the market and let it ride.
Just view it as money spent and forget about it for a while (like years) and just keep buying into the stocks a little each month.
JimYour timing wasn’t the problem so much as the size of your initial investment. It takes time to develop a good strategy and also to steel your nerves against downturns.
If you had invested $1k or $10k four days ago, you wouldn’t be feeling all the anxiety you’re feeling today.
And you’d have a much easier time accepting the good advice to hold on to your investments and give them time to bounce back.
You did it on a bigger scale, but what’s true for $1k is just as true for $75k.
Your best course of action from here is to hold and learn to ignore swings in the markets.
I’d also add two suggestions. The first is to DCA a set amount on a regular schedule no matter the current prices.
When prices drop you’ll have the consolation of knowing that you’re buying more shares for the same amount of money, and if you track such things, you’ll see your average costs come down every time you buy more.
If prices stay depressed and then finally start back up, you’ll eventually be making profit even before we return to your initial buy price.
The other suggestion is because you said “crypto” rather than specifically “Bitcoin.” My suggestion is to learn about bitcoin and what makes it different from all other crypto.
Bitcoin is a good long term play. Other cryptos, all of them, are something else.
PaulYou would have been better off dollar cost averaging into the market. Some good quality covered call ETFs in the mix will help in a down market.
Having said that, I would not sell, this is just going to be a volatile year in the market.
ScottMost investors are down thousands right now, myself included. However, I’ll be buying as much as possible over the next few months of volatility.
This is where wealth is made, holding the course and contributing regularly, dollar cost averaging.
If you chose strong investments and you’re long term, you’ll be fine.
The only people who lose during times of downturn, are paper hands that fold under the pressure and realize their portfolio losses.
WilliamWhat stocks and what crypto? More than likely the best bet is to just let it sit tight.
MY plan is to live lean and invest as much as I can over the next 6 months if the market keeps dropping.
Corrections and crashes are the best times to invest.
Look at this as an opportunity and you likely won’t have any regrets in 5 years.
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