VTSAX investor, considering VUG—thoughts?



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  • #123072 Reply

      30 years old, been following the VTSAX and chill approach. Curious to want to deploy some cash into VUG.

      I’ve been investing in VTSAX for a while and am considering adding VUG to my portfolio. For those with experience in both, how do they complement each other?


      Do you see VUG as a good addition for long-term growth, or does it introduce unnecessary risk? Looking forward to hearing your insights!

      #123073 Reply

        Growth stocks seem like the most overpriced. They are also heavily weighted in VTSAX already. If anything I would look to have less of those vs the index.

        I would add stuff like foreign stocks, REITS, natural resources or small caps.

        #123074 Reply

          If you age a reason to believe it will outperform in the future and it’s part of your investing plan, then do it.

          #123075 Reply

            I personally think it’s a good idea. I have some VUG in my Roth IRA and it has performed well.

            #123076 Reply

              28 years old here. I’ve had VUG for a few years. It has outperformed both my QQQ and VGT positions.

              #123077 Reply

                If you’re considering VUG make sure to check out SCHG. I ended up going with SCHG instead.

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