What’s the cheapest way to drink mostly water without using tap?

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  • #128082 Reply

      Hi! Most of our grocery budget goes to drinks. My husband and I are quite literally addicted to Coca Cola. Due to health and financial issues, we have to find something healthy and cheaper we like.

      I’ve decided I want us to try to drink mainly water. I’m wondering what method would be cheapest as drinking from the tap is not an option where we live.

      Things I’ve found so far: a primo water jug but with a water spout instead of in its jug holder thingy or a brita gallon jug or a brita faucet attachment.

      Which would be most cost effective? Any other ideas?

      Thanks in advance!

      #128083 Reply

        My husband loves his soda stream. We make bubbly water with it, not soda.

        That might help you kick the habit.

        #128084 Reply

          I have a bottom load water dispenser that does hot cold and room temperature waters. There are places to refill it much cheaper than the original purchase.

          #128085 Reply

            Use a pitcher with a filter if possible. Please don’t use plastic bottles if you can help it.

            #128086 Reply

              How about boiling water and then cooling and drinking it? Iced tea is pretty much free when you need caffeine.

              Unsweetened is healthy!

              #128087 Reply

                If you’re gonna go off pop, you can’t go from soft drinks to water. You will die of boredom.

                You need to switch to something flavored as a transition.

                Get some of those water flavoring drops to help you.

                #128088 Reply

                  I’ve been using a tabletop distiller for decades. The water is pure. Now, when I drink water elsewhere, I can taste all the impurities and chlorine

                  #128089 Reply

                    Look into panera sip club. Have you tried a soda stream or ninja thirsty?

                    My husband likes fizzy drinks and treats himself to a Panera bubbly or Diet Pepsi every day.

                    He is still using the free trial.

                    When it expires he’ll pay $16.99 per month for unlimited drinks which is less than what we spent previously.

                    #128090 Reply

                      It takes time to start to enjoy ice water.. but soooo worth it! I now prefer water always!

                      #128091 Reply

                        I use the large rectangular Brita in my fridge for cold water and the regular pitcher on my counter for room temp.

                        Replacing the filters every 3 months is much cheaper than plastic water bottles, we never run out of water, much less toxic for the body and keeps plastic out of the landfill.

                        I use quality stainless steel bottles and the water stays cold all day even in the Las Vegas heat!

                        #128092 Reply

                          Good for you! If you need to spice it up, add fresh peppermint (that you can plant outside) to make up a pitcher of peppermint water. Or cucumber water.

                          Fresh or bottled lemon, fresh or frozen berries.

                          Even 1/4 cup of juice to 8-10 oz of water.

                          #128093 Reply

                            I was told those brita filters do little for filtering water, there’s videos online you can check out.

                            I have a reverse osmosis filter system under my sink, mine was around $500 but there’s many less expensive options out there.

                            Those do a much better job than a brita and the water tastes better.

                            Get yourself a fun reusable water bottle to encourage water intake.

                            #128094 Reply

                              I was addicted to Pepsi (almost 2 liters a day) until I realized I didn’t like the tap water.

                              Switched to purified water and don’t crave Pepsi or other soft drinks at all!

                              We use the bottles that are contributing to landfill waste but we recycle them.

                              Still not the best solution but I can’t handle large jugs or other heavy containers.

                              I also use it for my CPAP.

                              #128095 Reply

                                We bought a water dispenser off Amazon ($130 ish – jugs are separat), the cold water comes out colder than ice and the hot water is amazing and instant.

                                Sometimes it’s a little loud when heating, but you just slid the 5 gallon jug in the bottom so we love it!

                                In our area we pay $1.75 for a 5 gallon refill at the water stations. We don’t use anymore service to have water delivered.

                                #128096 Reply

                                  My husband and I are also addicted to Coca-Cola. Sam’s has Twist lemonade that is delicious! Helps us drink less soda.

                                  Also, there are flavor packs to add to your water that helps kick the addiction to soda.

                                  I’m really fond of the root beer one.

                                  #128097 Reply

                                    Not sure why tap isn’t an option but I tried filters with my water which is super high I’m iron no matter what we do.

                                    It’s from the farmers and it doesn’t work. So, I would either buy a jug or bottles

                                    #128098 Reply

                                      My dad’s water was awful!!
                                      I used 2 Brita pitchers. Ran the tap water through the first Brita then ran that water throught the second Brita.

                                      Filled the first pitcher with tap water when the good water pitcher was empty I filled with the first pitcher.

                                      Tap water went through each pitcher creating very good water.
                                      I kept both pitchers in the fridge. I marked the good water pitcher so there was no confusion.

                                      Filters are not cheap but my system worked, very well.
                                      When I road trip I fill my water containers at grocery stores. Some towns have outdoor kiosks.

                                      Prices ranged from free – $1/ gallon

                                      #128099 Reply

                                        Not to make you feel bad, but Coke is poison. I drank Diet Coke continuously, and it was hard to quit but I did it.

                                        Not only did I feel better, my doctor and dentist congratulated me.
                                        There’s a reason it’s also used as a cleaner.

                                        #128100 Reply

                                          I use the Brita Water Pitcher, we switched from bottled water years ago saved us so much money.

                                          You can make Homemade Lemonade with Lemons, add the amount of sugar you want to taste or Honey as a sweetener replacement. Good luck Soda addiction is a thing for sure.

                                          My husband was addicted to Diet Pepsi for many many years and due to his health IBS had to give it up, its not easy but he did it.

                                          He switched to Koolaid the old fashioned little packets and sweetened to taste.

                                          #128101 Reply

                                            I buy refillable 5 gallon jugs from the grocery store with a spout I purchased for less than $15 on Amazon. I just fill a pitcher and keep it in the fridge.

                                            My city eater tastes terrible. Britain filters weren’t enough to remove the taste.

                                            My mom got a soda stream and mixes her own cola with the bottles you can buy from it.

                                            She used to drink a ton on cans of diet Coke everyday, but now she’s down to about one bottle from the soda stream.

                                            She said after the initial cost it’s been very cost effective.

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