Where should I save for a home in 2-3 years—HYSA or another option?

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  • #115198 Reply

      I would like to start saving for a home, time frame is about 2-3 years. Best place to put that saving is in a HYSA?

      Is a high-yield savings account (HYSA) the best option for short-term goals like this, or are there better alternatives to consider?

      I’d love to hear your recommendations!”

      #115199 Reply

        The biggest gotcha is when 2-3 years becomes 4-5 becomes 6-7. The returns missed could be significant.

        So set reminders every 6 months and have an extremely honest appraisal of your future.

        As soon as you feel in the slightest that the time frame is moving out, put 25% into something like VTI. Then again next checkin.

        You can always rotate out when plans get more concrete but you cannot get years of market returns out of hindsight regret.

        #115200 Reply

          Hysa, mmf, t bills, cds. All yields will be about the same. T bills are exempt from state and local taxes

          #115201 Reply

            HYSA, money market, or treasuries if the rates make sense. That short of a timeframe is too small to take on riskier investments unless you’re willing to risk losing value.

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