Which gives more food: frozen or canned?

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  • #123350 Reply

      This is a silly question, but I’m gonna ask anyways. So you get more food with the frozen or canned? I know the canned is more ounces, but its less money.

      When it comes to quantity, which provides more food: frozen or canned? Considering factors like drained weight, portion sizes, and overall value, which option tends to offer more edible content?

      Share your experiences and insights!

      #123351 Reply

        I get more from frozen. I just pour out what I need and put the rest back in the freezer.

        #123352 Reply

          IMO frozen taste much better.
          I agree that this includes the water in the can, so it isn’t the same amount of peas.

          I was also taught that frozen retains more nutrients than canned but open to being corrected on that.

          #123353 Reply

            I wonder if the oz include the water it’s packed I. Which might mean the frozen is the same or more. Interesting question.

            Post of you get both and let us know after draining the can.

            #123354 Reply

              I always look at the price per oz when comparison shopping.

              #123355 Reply

                Nutrition wise, frozen is better and tastes 100 times better. Also, you are paying for the water those peas are floating around in.

                #123356 Reply

                  I don’t buy canned vegetables I always opt for fresh or frozen which is probably a little more expensive but I feel the cans have too much sodium for me

                  #123357 Reply

                    Frozen in bagged form is better less preservatives
                    I can get dry beans in bagged for costing a 1.30
                    Pre soak them over night

                    And it come out to 4 cans of beans
                    Buying in canned for costs about 1.25 a can

                    #123358 Reply

                      You get more from frozen as they are sold by weight. Canned are sold by volume and include the water to process.

                      2 cups isn’t the same as 1 pound even though they’re both 16 ounces.

                      #123359 Reply

                        I don’t have room in my freezers for lots of extra stock up of veggies. I agree frozen is better but I still keep a good supply of cans

                        #123360 Reply

                          It’s not an even comparison because the canned is based on volume (fluid ounces) and the bag is based on weight.

                          #123361 Reply

                            The can is 15 oz. which includes the liquid. The frozen is 12 oz. no water.

                            I think you’re looking at a difference in taste.

                            #123362 Reply

                              Once you open the can you have to eat the whole thing. With frozen you can use just what you need.

                              #123363 Reply

                                Canned items are usually about half water. I’d try to find the nutrition label and look at servings per package and see if they are the same (1/2 cup or cup).

                                Or buy a can, drain it, and measure how many cups of peas are in it.

                                #123364 Reply

                                  The canned will have liquid you will drain off. I like both forms but a lot of people are strenuously averse to the canned.

                                  The frozen definitely tastes fresher and brighter (and cost more because they must be kept frozen all along the supply / distribution chain).

                                  #123365 Reply

                                    There is no contest here. Canned vegetables are high in sodium and do not taste as good as frozen that are frozen at the peak of their freshness.

                                    Always get frozen over canned.

                                    #123366 Reply

                                      It’s really to a silly question. I look at it like this, though–Mushy over-cooked and over-salted peas, or peas that I can cook; but not over-cooked.

                                      Where is the best nutrition for the buck?

                                      #123367 Reply

                                        Well I wouldn’t go by the canned weight as it’s filled with water and the frozen isn’t. Also canned has more salt.

                                        Frozen is a great option

                                        #123368 Reply

                                          I always go canned when I can bc I don’t have alot of freezer room so I save it for meats and things I can’t get that’s shelf stable

                                          #123369 Reply

                                            They both have their place/usage. I like the frozen because I don’t like peas as my primary vegetable, but put a handful into a lot of dishes.

                                            I would buy both as I believe the cost/ounce of edible product is probably close.

                                            But the texture/taste is very different between the two.

                                            #123370 Reply

                                              My daughter always buys frozen,cuz it’s just her and her daughter(7yrs.) and its more economical for her to only use what she is sure they will eat!!

                                              #123371 Reply

                                                If you really want to know I would buy both. My guess is that the frozen will have more peas than the can simply because they are measuring liquid and peas

                                                #123372 Reply

                                                  It is cheaper to buy frozen if you purchase larger quantities. I buy 5 lbs bags of frozen veggies from Sam’s club.

                                                  I only purchase cans if a case sale is going on as it is usually cheaper.

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