Any tips for cleaning a flat stove top affordably?

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  • #122122 Reply

      Hi, I wanted to ask if anyone had tips on cleaning a stove top. My sister has one of those flat stoves and the products are getting expensive so I wonder if anyone had any tips.

      Thank you!

      #122123 Reply

        Bar keepers friend.. it’s softer and less abrasive than comet

        #122124 Reply

          I used to have one of those stoves and used baking soda to scrub the burnt on bits and then spray with water/vinegar to get rid of the baking soda residue.

          I don’t have that type of stove anymore, but I do like barkeep’s friend that others have mentioned for other scrubbing jobs. It’s not very expensive.

          I found it at Home Depot.

          #122125 Reply

            Barkeeper’s Friend. Wipe down cooled range, sprinkle on a small amount and scrub with sponge. Wipe down again until no longer gritty.

            Barkeeper’s Friend is multi purpose and will last a long time.

            #122126 Reply

              Super fine steel wool 0000 only will not scratch the finish. Use a little dawn soap as well.

              #122127 Reply

                U can buy this stuff at Ross, tjMax and Marshall’s for $3-6

                #122128 Reply

                  I use VIm cream cleaner, wipe it around, leave for 10 to 15 mins and then a little scrub brings it up like new

                  #122129 Reply

                    Tooth paste, flour and water, any fine non corrosive powder. Razor blade, I wait for mone to cool and wipe it down hence no build up

                    #122130 Reply

                      Scrub mommy paste. On Amazon. A little goes a long way.

                      I swear by it.

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