Can I freeze apples, oranges, lettuce, tomatoes, and celery?

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  • #122882 Reply

      Can you freeze fruit and veggies? My local grocery store is having a sale on apples, oranges, lettuce, tomatoes, and celery sticks.

      I don’t want to over buy and have the extras go to waste.

      But at 97¢ per pound, I feel like that’s a great deal for the apples and oranges!!

      #122883 Reply

        Don’t forget, oranges, lemons, limes, you can use the peels! Use a grater or zester to turn the peels onto zest for cooking all kinds of things.

        I put the zest into icecube trays, measured by tablespoons, freeze and put the cubes into snack size ziplocs.

        If you want to know more ways to use the peels you can Google which fruit option and recipes. If you have a garden they make good compost.

        Apples you can use the peels for compost. I freeze apple sauce in 1/2 & 1 cup size for an easy, quick side dish or to make apple cakes/muffins.

        I also use the ice cube option.

        I freeze the apple sauce by tablespoons to use as egg substitute when I am out of eggs. Works for most recipes.

        #122884 Reply

          A dehydrator will be your friend. Can even use your oven on lowest setting.

          #122885 Reply

            I freeze tomatoes whole, when they thaw the skin peels off super easy!

            #122886 Reply

              You can peel oranges and freeze in ziplock bags. Citrus will become mushy but can be used in salads or smoothies. I’ve seen people make orange juice and water bath and can it.

              I’ve also seen people freeze fresh cut lemon slices with the skins on, washed and dried and cut into segments, flash freeze and stick in ziplock.

              I’ve juiced them and put in ice cube trays and then in ziplock.

              For apples I saw another use pie pan, put saran wrap on it then the crust, apples, etc and freeze.

              Then remove from pan and wrap in foil and stack them. When you want to cook, remove foil and wrap, put into original pie pan and bake!

              #122887 Reply

                Tomatoes can be cored, chunked and frozen. I do it every summer; use the tomatoes in soups, chilis, stewed tomatoes every winter.

                Just run water over frozen chunk and peel comes off easily with knife.

                I freeze celery also. The apples can be used as some said in applesauce, freeze or can.

                I’d juice the oranges and freeze, also.

                #122888 Reply

                  Yes and no.
                  Use the lettuce up, the rest will keep a while if stored properly.

                  Think about how you want to use each thing; you could squeeze the juice from the oranges and freeze it, but not indefinitely.

                  You could make tomato paste and freeze that… If you choose to freeze some celery, chop it up first.

                  #122889 Reply

                    I freeze apples after peeling and cutting them for cakes, breads and crisps. Celery I haven’t had good luck freezing.

                    I haven’t tried freezing tomatoes or lettuce.

                    #122890 Reply

                      Keep the apples in a plastic ziplock bag in the fridge, away from other fruit & vegetables.

                      The naturally occurring ethylene prematurely ripens other produce.

                      #122891 Reply

                        Apples and oranges will keep for months in the refrigerator. I have a big pan of apples in my spare refrigerator that I picked from my trees in October and they are still good.

                        #122892 Reply

                          I peel and cut apples. Add sugar, flour, cinnamon, then put in freezer bags the amount for a pie.

                          Just pull from freezer, thaw, add butter and put into crust, to bake.

                          #122893 Reply

                            I slice apples, place in vinegar, water mixture. Then freeze in 4 cup amounts. Pull it out to bake when needed.

                            Top w oats, brown sugar, viola, warm yummy dessert at any time

                            #122894 Reply

                              You can make applesauce and freeze it. You can chop celery (and pepper) and freeze them. Apples and oranges last a long time in the fridge, though.

                              All those apples were picked last fall and have been in cold storage anyway.

                              #122895 Reply

                                Celery freezes great for soups.
                                Turn the apples into applesauce and then freeze it.
                                Juice the oranges and freeze the juice.

                                Tomatoes could be turned into sauce and frozen that way.
                                The lettuce is the only thing I wouldn’t stock up on.

                                #122896 Reply

                                  Make apple crisp (in the oven) and then freeze for future, freeze tomatoes to make tomato sauce in the future

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