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I need a substitute for 2 eggs for the banana bread I had planned on making. And I have several jars of mayo that need to be used.
Can I use mayonnaise as a substitute for eggs in banana bread? If so, how does it affect the texture and flavor? Has anyone tried this before?
I’d love to hear your experiences and any tips you might have!
SharonMakes sense – mayo is an oil and egg emulsion.
SandyYour cake will be so moist with the mayonnaise. I knew a lady who used to bake chocolate mayonnaise cakes for our birthdays and they were amazing.
Double layer with cherry pie filling in the center and thick chocolate frosting
BlancheGround flax is supposed to create a gel that can be an egg substitute.
JanHere in Nebraska, 2 eggs are about a dollar. They’re also a leavening agent. I’ll stick with eggs.
StephanieMy granddaughter is allergic to eggs so we use applesauce as an egg substitute.
MeredithMy son has an egg allergy and I use plain full fat yogurt or unsweeetened applesauce to replace eggs in most things
DelAqua Fava is also an egg substitute. Aqua Fava is the water from canned chickpeas.
SidI imagine sour cream would work. I think Greek yogurt works also.
LynetteI’ve used pumpkin (canned) to replace eggs in banana bread. Couldn’t tell.
MiriamI’ve been doing this! I subbed out mayo in my dinner rolls the other day, and they have never been more beautiful!!
And my daughter used half mayo, half egg in a brownie recipe last weekend, and you could not tell the difference at all!!
JudyI just made banana bars using 1 Tbsp chai seed in 1/3 cup water, Let sit 15 minutes.
Equals 1 egg.
AnnaAlso “aquafaba” (the liquid in your can of chickpeas) can be used as egg replacer.
JillI would think you could use less mayo…maybe only 2 Tbsp. When I use soy flour, I use 1Tbsp soy flour & 1 Tbsp water.
SerahGround flax seed/flax meal mixed with a little water, let it sit a few minutes and it will emulsify like egg.
Heather1/4 cup of applesauce or any fruit puree will replace one egg.
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