How can I fix a loud noise in my dryer after it was unbalanced?

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  • #123284 Reply

      I was doing laundry the other day and had some blankets in the dryer. They got wrapped into a ball and caused the entire dryer to fall partway off the pallet it sits on.

      My husband got everything set back up but now when we run the dryer, it sounds very loud. But it seems to work just fine other than that.

      Any ideas on how to fix the noise?

      #123285 Reply

        Yah probably being off balance stretched belt or roller, can you take the back off to look at it?

        #123286 Reply

          Just a tip for next time
          I put 2 tennis balls in the dryer when I dry blankets or quilts

          #123287 Reply

            The drum rollers are probably damaged. You can replace them yourself

            #123288 Reply

              Before you use it again…understand it could catch fire if it’s not doing right

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