How can I save money after losing my job unexpectedly?

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  • #122088 Reply

      I was terminated this morning from my job! I was with this company for only 60 days. This was my first time in this industry. It was for worker comp claims customer support.

      I called out on Tuesday because I was in a lot of pain.

      They found an ovarian cyst the size of a grapefruit. I also have blood cancer which the company doesn’t know about. The cyst caused so much inflammation it elevated my blood platelets to over 1 million.

      I let Hr know because they said to kept them updated. I had a follow up and it looks like I will be taking an oral chemo to control the palette count.

      I let HR know because again they told me to let them know.

      This week I felt the boss was bullying me. Asking me to do additional tasks, questioning me about everything. Very weird but I’m not going to lie.

      I felt they were going to fire me. When I was terminated she said I wasn’t a good fit and that I underperformed. I said how did I under perform when you promoted me at 30 days, completed a 3 month training in half the time.

      I’ve completed all my tasks and always had extra time to help the team with their task.

      She said I forgot to note an account. I said you gave me a task that you knew I had no training on and you gave me a training document that doesn’t mention to put a note in the system.

      That task isn’t even a part of my job subscription.

      Anyway I did receive my last paycheck but it’s not enough to cover all the bills.

      Looking for frugal tips, as many as you can think of. I’m a little upset but I know God has something better for me.

      This is the 3rd job I was release from since last April. My 2 previous job I was with the company for 10 years each job. I’m in my late 40’s and I’ve never in my life had to deal with anything like this.

      I will acknowledge that I missed 3 days in my 60 day time period because I had norovirus. I was 5 mins late twice because of car accidents on the highway. I live in a major city.

      I’m thinking about seeing if I can try for disability and maybe work part time.

      I only have a little savings but grateful for it. Trying to remain positive but also resourceful!

      #122089 Reply

        Contact EEOC on illegal dismissal based on ADA and Age protected rights. They will never say the real reason you’re fired.

        They will always have an answer that is not discriminating.

        But evidence points to letting you go right after medical issue. You know that’s the real reason.

        You can be terminated at any time for any reason as long as it’s not unlawful to a protected class.

        Know your rights!

        #122090 Reply

          I wouldn’t recommend blindly trusting HR.

          #122091 Reply

            I am so sorry for your experience. Honestly I would recommend you consult a lawyer because this is purely unlawful dismissal.

            The fact you informed of your medical issues should protect you from discrimination.

            Don’t settle for less, speak to a good lawyer and find out your options.

            #122092 Reply

              File a complaint with the EEOC. I did and got a settlement, severance and unemployment.

              #122093 Reply

                An employer never has the right to ask about your medical history. As others have said you need to get a lawyer and file a complaint with EEOC.

                #122094 Reply

                  Getting on disability sounds like a good way to go, with such serious health problems.

                  #122095 Reply

                    That’s so hard. But the place that let you go sounds awful, good riddance!

                    Not much useful to say, wishing you better health in future!

                    #122096 Reply

                      Don’t sign anything from the company until you have talked with a lawyer.

                      #122097 Reply

                        Frugal living tips: eat the food in your house (back stock, freezer, etc.), prioritize place to live, combine trips to save gas, cut all excess-cable, etc., track ALL spending, drink water…..

                        best wishes on legal journey and health journey!

                        #122098 Reply

                          Apply for unemployment if in your state you were there long enough to be able to apply which it doesn’t sound like. Based on these facts you will win for sure.

                          Get a free consultation with an employer attorney.

                          #122099 Reply

                            Find yourself a good LABOR LAWYER and sue their rats behind for wrongful and discriminatory termination

                            #122100 Reply

                              I’m on my final with my company! One more screw up (blood sugar check) and I’m out the door! Got a write up for ending up sick in the bathroom.

                              Definitely go to the EEOC and I’d say get an attorney!!

                              #122101 Reply

                                I had similar health issues.
                                Big C.
                                Please check out the social “Telegram” there is a channel called “Dirt Road Discussions”

                                I followed Danny’s protocol.
                                Also used castor oil wraps.

                                Best wishes with your health journey & getting justice for the way you were let go from your job.

                                Blessed be.

                                #122102 Reply

                                  Food stamps? City/Church food pantries. Go to utility and ask for emergency assistance.

                                  HR not your friend! Have no right to ask questions.

                                  Contact lawyer!

                                  #122103 Reply

                                    Every city has an ARC group for developmentally disabled people. You can do family respite with them. It is fun and you get paid while enjoying life.

                                    I have done it 10 years here in my home.

                                    #122104 Reply

                                      praying for complete healing. praying for continued His peace that passes all understanding and for faith to continue to trust in Him and hear His still small voice. praying you are the victor!

                                      Go as frugal as you can with the utility bills and rice beans oatmeal for food This will not be forever. Go to the the food banks.

                                      a lot of them have good parishable food. you will need healthy food to heal. do you have an employment center close by who came help with another job.

                                      do you have a copy of the promotion document you can show the employment center who might have some good suggestions for this strange unethical employer behavior.

                                      I think they did it so you couldn’t go out on medical for a long period of time. I am trusting God will honor your work ethic and honesty.

                                      call the City you live in and see if the have av human services department who might suggest an organization (s) that might assist food, work, medical bills etc.

                                      I will be praying please msg me when things start to turn around.

                                      #122105 Reply

                                        Time to consider downsizing or getting a room mate . Cut any internet or cable. Use library and coffee shop wifi.

                                        Use up your pantry and Do a no spend month. That means only fresh milk bread, veggies and necessities, hygienic products. Shop at the dollar store and only sakes next month on needs only.

                                        Job search threw unemployment?

                                        Disability is not enough to live on, sadly cost of living has increased so much.

                                        #122106 Reply

                                          I’m so sorry you’re dealing with all of these things. HR is not your friend…they exist to protect the company’s interests, not the employees.

                                          #122107 Reply

                                            That’s so sad that you’ve been treated this way. But sadly some people & companies are like that. I hope you take the legal suggestions here as there are people out there to help.

                                            And for future only tell HR what you want any people to know.

                                            They work for the company, but have to make sure all employment laws & company policy’s are followed.

                                            In UK we have unions, I’ve been a union rep in most places I’ve worked & dealt with HR supporting people many times.

                                            I always say to people I’m with, be careful what you say it & do t just give them all sorts of information, be selective.

                                            We usually planned what could be said before hand according to the facts, before the meeting. As some things are ambiguous.

                                            Good luck
                                            & I’m sure you’ll find some work you so d very experienced.

                                            #122108 Reply

                                              I am so sorry you are going through this especially during a health crisis. As a retired Corporate Security Investigator, I suspect they will say you had an attendance issue, as you may have still been under a 60 or 90 day probation.

                                              It would be nice if FMLA kicked in on day 1 but it doesn’t.

                                              Ways to save money is on food, grow your own veggies, sprouts and microgreens.

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