How to remove wet carpet smell after baking soda?

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  • #93179 Reply

      Help! I accidentally dropped a bunch of water on the carpet and thought it dried. Now I have a smelly mess. I put Baking Soda on it hoping to take care of it. Any suggestions? Thanks

      #93180 Reply

        Soak up the moisture by pressing towels on the spot. Then use a hair dryer to dry the spot. Then vacuum.

        #93181 Reply

          Put folds down and walk on them. Uses a shop vac that picks up water, or rent a steam cleaner to suck up. Add a fan in the room, or a dehumidifier if you have one.

          #93182 Reply

            Fold towels and place over the wet spots. STAND on that spot till the towel is damp. Flip the towel and move on.

            • Now sprinkle laundry borax on all that wet carpeting. Let it sit 3-4-5 days.
            • Vacuum up borax.
            • You’re not working against wet carpet, you’re working against wet PADDING. The borax also absorbs ODOR.

            Have you seen: Anyone know of something to remove human urine smell off carpet?

            #93183 Reply

              I always use Corn starch cover the spill let it sit over night to suck up the moisture & odor vacuum once it’s dry. Sometimes you have to rough up the corn starch so vacuum can get it up

              #93184 Reply

                If you have a baby in the house an upside down diaper will pull outa lot if moisture, stand on top for a few minutes, you’ll see what I mean.

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