Should I allocate more to my Roth IRA with QQQ and VEA?



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  • #123141 Reply

      My company is moving my 401k from Nationwide to Empower. I will be taking my carefully selected growth strategy in 3 funds to a target date fund. I’m in my early 50s but I’m behind in saving for retirement.

      My company offers a 3% match. I also have a Roth IRA that has QQQ and VEA.

      I am wondering if I should be shoveling proportionately more into that now. What do you think?

      #123142 Reply

        I bet you also have a 457 am I right? If so, max it out now with the special 3 year catch up option.

        I’m playing catch up too and the 3 year special catch up is allowing me to contribute $46k/yr for 3 consecutive years.

        I’m dumping it all in s&p 500 low cost index fund because Im not a savvy investor.

        #123143 Reply

          You have at least 10 years to retirement? I’d get more aggressive with your 401k selection. No target date funds. Choose best option based on 10 year performance.

          Max out Roth, do the 50+ 1k catch up contribution and keep buying QQQ. Or Look at QQQM.

          A little cheaper to own. Or add some VGT. Lots of technology, cheap to own. Look to eliminate debt and make a plan to pay off the house before retirement.

          #123144 Reply

            I have Empower, there’s no growth fund option thru my benefits provider’s selections, only the S&P 500 Large Cap via Legal & General fund (along with mid caps, small caps and Russell 2000, international Europe, international Asia and a real-estate fund).

            If you’re behind in retirement, I’d just do the S&P 500 fund and cross your fingers the next 10-15 work in you favor (or I guess everyone’s).

            If you need the risk/growth, I’d do VOOG and QQQM in a taxable brokerage.

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