Should you retire early with kids in school, or wait until they’re grown?

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  • #114416 Reply

      Is it a good idea to RE when you still have kids in school? Or should you aim/wait until they are all out of the house?

      For those who RE’d with kids under 18yo, what did you wish you knew beforehand? Accounted for?

      We’d like to retire in 10 years but don’t know how realistic it is if we are bound to their schooling, location and expenses

      #114417 Reply

        Absolutely! Both my spouse and I attend all of our children’s activities and both volunteer at the school together.

        We have so many parents and teachers/administrators commenthow great we have that opportunity to be there together as many times only one parent can attend.

        While the kids are in school, we go on lunch dates, meet with friends and enjoy our hobbies.

        When the kids are on break, we take very slow and long vacations. It’s wonderful. So, during the “messy middle” life for most, our lives are more simple and relaxed.

        we are strengthening our marriage and making time and energy for our children.

        We are very lucky to RE with young kids and was worth the hard work early on

        #114418 Reply

          Do you mean RE? FI is always a good idea. RE isn’t as valuable with kids at home I think since they still dictate your schedule to a large extent.

          I’d consider a part time remote job/consulting in my field to get the right work life balance if money was no object.

          #114419 Reply

            I didn’t retire early but enjoyed home learning my kiddos & now that they are 17 & 19 w/bachelors degrees, I enjoy hanging out when they have time.

            My hubby has taken time through the years to be there for important events and just to help out when needed/wanted.

            My husband will never retire-he loves what he does.

            I work part-time and love it. (Sometimes I’ll work more full-time, if I don’t have much going on)

            #114420 Reply

              I RE with a First Grader. So much less stress about before/after school care, sick and snow days.

              And I get to help out and do all the school things I want (or not) with no work guilt.

              #114421 Reply

                I intend to, while my husband continues working. They are 2 and 4 right now so I will work until they’re a little older

                #114422 Reply

                  I REd a couple of years ago with two kids in high school. It was so wonderful to have the time with them, especially since one is away at college now.

                  We won’t move anywhere right away but have discussed moving overseas at some point, although where our kids end up may be a factor.

                  #114423 Reply

                    Sure! It’s about the finances. If you have “enough”, wouldn’t it be great to devote more time and energy with your kids?

                    I retired at age 54, but my kids were 20 & 21 and in college by then.

                    #114424 Reply

                      Yes, college, getting them set up in dorm, apartment, getting them to and from school over breaks Zac extra expenses for their spending $, groceries, clothes.

                      Your expenses will look very different once they graduate college.

                      Also, health insurance, their bills from illness, car repairs, accidents, insurance

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