What was the ONE THING you did this week to make your life easier, happier, wealthier, more efficient, etc.?

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  • #80554 Reply

      Take action each and every week and let us know

      #80555 Reply

        Started charging my 18yo for his portion of the car insurance (he already pays for his phone).

        Also picked up a book at the community college library that has a 3-month waitlist at the public library

        #80556 Reply

          I started my travel hacking journey by opening the Chase Sapphire Preferred card.

          #80557 Reply

            Got a call back to see if an offer we made on a rental house was still on the table. We said yes! That’ll bring us up to 20 doors which has been our rental goal!

            #80558 Reply

              Booked a trip to Costa Rica! Found some cool Airbnbs for half the price of all inclusive resort. We are excited to experience authentic Pura Vida

              #80559 Reply

                Spent some time helping my dad get some of his ducks in a row…because when my parents’ ducks get outta line, it sometimes impacts my own ducks.

                #80560 Reply

                  I went to my parents’ yesterday and filled out some “family emergency binder” paperwork. My mom was so happy to see it Al in front of her. They’re already organized, but my dad has always taken care of their financial life. It was good for her to have everything laid out in front of her.

                  #80561 Reply

                    Completed another Module in my Online Retirement preparation plan. This was the 11th of 13. I plan to retire in 1-2 years. Gaining confidence with each module.

                    #80562 Reply

                      Dozens of hours of Python programming practice on CodeWars. I gotta get my first programming job before ChatGPT makes me obsolete.

                      #80563 Reply

                        My best friend and I got the request for 457b template from the chooseFI website and sent it to HR at our school district. We currently have a 403b option (with no match). Our district also had a benefits fair this week because open enrollment is in about a month. The HR person discussed the 457b with me and I ended up teaching her and the insurance company reps about it while I was there 😂 apparently there are many hoops to jump through to add a 457b to our district benefits so my friend and I are just going to be (respectfully) persistent and hope they eventually listen to us!

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